TaggedYa -> Things that a German needs to decide before you start turn one (12/4/2012 3:33:36 AM)
What to do with the Italian Air Force? The disposition of the Italian Air Force is an issue of what you consider to be gamey and what you want to do about realism. The possibilities range from saving every plane the Italians are flying, to not changing anything the computer does and thus losing all of the Italian planes and all of the Bf 109G-6es that the computer transfers to the Italian Air Force. In the TalonSoft version, some of the Italian Air Force did not disappear when Italy surrendered. The better the morale of an Italian unit the more likely it was not to surrender. This gave you a good incentive to not destroy the Italian Air Force in fact it was better to put the Italians into the best planes you could find and be careful not to damage their morale because you saved more Italian units. In the Matrix version no Italian units survive the surrender. Your only choice is whether to take action to salvage the aircraft. One viable option is to move the Italians into Bf 109G-6es as fast as you can and use them until their morale is too low to be functional. Then on the 13th turn you can change them back to whatever junk they were originally flying. Please note that to change the Italians out of the aircraft you wish to save you have to change every Italian unit or else the computer will just change them back. When you manually change a units aircraft it sets a flag that tells the computer not to change that units aircraft ever again. As far as I know, there is no other way to set that flag. Therefore, any Italian unit whose aircraft you do not change will immediately be put into the Veltros, Centaros, Sagittarios, and Bf 109G-6es you just freed up.