RE: Nerfing the LW fuel drops. (Full Version)

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Flaviusx -> RE: Nerfing the LW fuel drops. (1/5/2013 1:39:32 AM)

There's really only one way to defend against this sort thing, Harry. Run like hell in the south once you've got the factories out. Separate the the handful of well supplied mobile units from their support until any further advance leaves them exposed to a counterstroke, where they can be cut off and routed. Don't even try to get anything evacuated west of the Dnepr, either. Just get the big stuff out east of there.

You won't stabilize the situation until you get to Rostov and Voronezh. And then mostly because by the time you get there, the mud hits. Those two cities can still fall during the snow turns.

Harrybanana -> RE: Nerfing the LW fuel drops. (1/5/2013 3:36:11 AM)


ORIGINAL: Flaviusx

There's really only one way to defend against this sort thing, Harry. Run like hell in the south once you've got the factories out. Separate the the handful of well supplied mobile units from their support until any further advance leaves them exposed to a counterstroke, where they can be cut off and routed. Don't even try to get anything evacuated west of the Dnepr, either. Just get the big stuff out east of there.

You won't stabilize the situation until you get to Rostov and Voronezh. And then mostly because by the time you get there, the mud hits. Those two cities can still fall during the snow turns.

I agree FlaviusX. If Saper and I did play a rematch and he played it the same as our current game I would do a much better job moving the Southern Factories. With one mistake I thinK I did a pretty good job of running in the south though. Attacking and/or isolating his motorized units was always tough as after converting hexes Saper tended to pull them back a hex or two. In any event this is probably irrelevant as according to Carlkay he is no longer playing the same as he did against me. He is playing a much improved version. If he is reaching Kharkov and the Dnepr bend by turns 3 or 4 then even abandoning all of the factories West of the Dnepr will not, I think, allow you to evacuate the ones East of the river in time. But again, I would love to see you or some other elite player show me how it is done.

SigUp -> RE: Nerfing the LW fuel drops. (1/5/2013 4:34:09 AM)

Kharkov by turn 3 or 4 [X(]

Wow, as impressive as that is, that should not be possible.

janh -> RE: Nerfing the LW fuel drops. (1/5/2013 11:15:56 AM)


ORIGINAL: turtlefang
As far as the JU88 flying fuel goes, you could do it but you really need to ramp up the losses due to wear and tear on the air frame.

To be honest, even if you upped the wear and tear losses for the bombers by 30%, it wouldn't be much of a problem until 1942 , when I'd start to regularly use the bombers in their original role. In my last GCs due to completely shutting off bombing missions with a few exceptions, losses are so low that my pools remain well filled.

Might be that the amount of fuel dropped could use a further "decreasing odds" modifier. Someone above mentioned that fuel drops were usually performed as stop-gap measure to retain tactical movability, and ability to defend -- and not to make another 200 miles progress. So what would seem right is what Trey implied, much less penalties if isolated or in poor supply state (mud), but with a minimum fuel amount. That would also give pocketed Soviets more stiffness, and hence more need to use air support to reduce pockets. WitE2...


ORIGINAL: Joel Billings
... Trey has pointed out that air is important, and some of the current WitW system has incorporated impact of interdiction on movement/supplies/disruption. Exactly how this might impact isolated units is still to be developed in WitW. My impression has been that ground support can have a substantial, if somewhat hidden impact on combat through the disruption it causes to ground units (as opposed to outright losses). ...

The words "somewhat hidden" caught my attention. Maybe just my opinion, but a lot of confusion seen on this board in the past year or two stemmed from factors that were actually accounted for by the engine, but were "(somewhat) hidden". Maybe the casual gamer would like it better that way, less cluttering with details and such, but hiding too much seems to be as much a source of confusion as showing every little detail?

I would have especially one example, where I would favor the game to "speak" a little more to the player: combats. It would be great to have combat reports, like in AE exported to a txt file, or maybe to look up after turn resolution with a button, that would give the full combat messages as if you watched on highest detail levels. I often watch them on level 2, that takes long enough for a turn -- but sometimes results are so odd in the end, that I would wish that I could rewind and watch that specific one unfold with all details. Just a thought...

Another thing I would advocate is making these details more "human readable", aka not have a decimal fatigue, disruption, experience or leader skills scale, but actually attributes a human would use if he'd view a strung out unit and needed to report back: sort of "low, medium, high, very high" disruption, etc. Would change the feel of control somewhat.


ORIGINAL: turtlefang
- Air kills on tanks were over reported by a factor of 10 to 15
- Soft vehicle kills were over reported by a factor of 5 to 10

That brings up an interesting point: FoW. Actually a lot of things were done they were because people missed the hindsight we have 70 years later. A lot, there have been so many examples here or over at the AE boards now where one wonders why people did so apparently foolish or inefficient things.

Ideally, without hindsight, this would mean FoW on combat resolution with air support could easily overstate losses that amount (not sure what the FoW contribution is now, but I think is it much smaller, right?). We'd probably use it extensively then. Likely in 41 the true losses "apparently" inflicted by Luftwaffe are indeed higher in comparison to those in 43 or 44, because as someone mentioned above also damaged and on the retreat abandoned tanks might count in as well etc. So there is a discrepancy, but also a success rate. I'll speculate a bit now, but I'd guess what also happened in the East was the following: Over time one did change faster than the other: reports remained overstated by pilots, a bit like during the transition from France to the Battle of Britain. But losses for the Soviets probably went down a lot once the situation stabilized. Even if the officers and staff reading the reports were surely aware of the exaggeration, they probably couldn't catch that change and the true size of this problem. Else, I would think, the Battle of Britain hadn't been fought the way it was, and half the Luftwaffe had been on fuel transport duty by September 41... Anyway, without our hindsight and such a FoW implying high enemy losses, we'd also keep using LW in CAS missions later. But unfortunately we have that knowledge now, and even if one upped FoW in WitW or WitE, we'd still not fall for the trick. However, back then this was probably one reason why Luftwaffe could never have been transformed in a flying supply train -- "reportedly" inflicted damage surely was a good reason to back up privileges and position (the effect of disruption aside).

I suspect it is somewhat similar with ground combat. Pelton and MT are presently doing the exact opposite, number crunching for victory. With a greater FoW (esp. no accurate view of enemy total strength every turn!), and an FoW that would have an own dynamic over time, it would take you longer to realize whether the true losses are still following that typical FoW factor and whether it is time to stop attacking... A little more FoW wouldn't do harm, and FoW that may in size also change over time... I can't say whether Officers back then had this timely and accurate information on own losses and also rather accurate information on the enemy losses and captured stuff, but my impression from reading is that there was a lot more lag than "<7 days max", one turn before the numbers converged on something more accurate. It took them at least 2 weeks after Kiev's pocket faltered to come up with a good total. Then add on top that all those losses and gain today are much debated, and often overstated by the reporting side, I feel the game could use more Fow even on own figures.

Klydon -> RE: Nerfing the LW fuel drops. (1/5/2013 2:59:00 PM)

I have long used the Luftwaffe as a flying gas can. (I pretty much shut off ground support from the start; it simply isn't needed in most cases). The only time GS comes on is for say the reduction of the Leningrad area. Other than that, it is flying fuel to the front.

The Germans did a lot of fuel flying during the war, including the advance into the Caucasus, but not on the level the players are doing.

One thing I would caution is not to just focus on the Germans (some mention of the Allies for WitW has happen, which is good). I am finishing up a Russian game and once again, GS is off for the most part and every available plane is flying gas to mostly tank corps (Mech corps are the biggest gas hogs I have ever seen). This helps give them some extra mobility to advance more.

The key difference between the Germans and the Russians is the Germans have far more bombers (HE-111/JU-88) than attack planes (Ju-87) while the Russians typically have far more attack planes (IL-2) than bombers (Pe-2, etc). In addition, the fuel carried by a Pe-2 is very small compared to their German counterparts. Attack planes don't fly fuel, bombers do, although I don't think Ju-88's really did that much while the HE-111 was used in the transport role in several instances. (He-111 was originally designed as a transport that could be converted to a bomber easily, so maybe that had something to do with it).

I think one of the reasons that refueling is so effective is that most players fly it to a specific unit. Perhaps making it so that it has to go to either a airfield or a HQ unit may help quite a bit in the mean time rather than direct drops.

Denniss -> RE: Nerfing the LW fuel drops. (1/5/2013 5:07:13 PM)

Maybe there's a quick for this - cut fuel dropped on units by at least 1/3 but no change if it's delivered to an airfield (maybe even HQ). Drops on divisions/combat units are to be considered a from of para drops (or medium/lightly loaded a/c for landing on forward/unprepared strips) while airfields (maybe even HQ) are considered to have prepared landing strips and personnell to unload a/c.

barkman44 -> RE: Nerfing the LW fuel drops. (1/5/2013 6:58:40 PM)

just my 2 cents but to the disruptive effectiveness of interviction of airpower behind enemy lines I know it can't be modeled game wise but what of the lone spitefires strafing attack against a command car containing Rommel?If you believe the stories of his invovlement in the 20 july conspirace it had a major impact.I'm curious if that pilots name has been discovered.sorry if this is ot.

Joel Billings -> RE: Nerfing the LW fuel drops. (1/5/2013 7:28:21 PM)

We actually account for leader casualties in the rear, as seen by many posts over the past 2 years of people losing leaders in the rear far from visible combat. In fact, people found that bombing HQs could be too effective killing leaders, IIRC. There are so many ways that players push a game system. We cannot account for every factor, nor should we, although a game like WitP or WitE makes people think we can. But that's all philosophy (something my mother actually taught in school but I could never quite deal with). So practically speaking, yes, interdiction is not handled well in WitE, but in WitW it is a major component of the air/ground game. Absolutely now that we have airbases in WtiW we should make it much more efficient to fly supplies to airbases where they can then be disseminated, as opposed to flying cargo directly to units. I expect this will happen in WitW and WitE 2.0. As for WitE, it is what it is. We feel the game is reaching stasis (with large amounts of air transport, although I think you are minimizing the value of ground support). Wish we could do more, but further efforts are really going to have little return, and will only delay WitW and WitE 2.0. We feel that anyone coming into WitE now can get hundreds of hours of enjoyment from it, and those playing it have hopefully already had hundreds of hours of enjoyment and there have been many changes over the past 1-2 years to learn and absorb. As we've always said, the game is not perfect, but we feel it is pretty darn good and we've tried to support it as best we could (and probably more than we could afford to). Those wanting to see the next evolution of WitE will have to wait for WitE 2.0 which has to wait for WitW. We do appreciate your support as we move forward.

barkman44 -> RE: Nerfing the LW fuel drops. (1/5/2013 7:59:01 PM)

I guess what i was trying to bring up was the abrasive affect interdictive air attacks had on units moving towards a combat area.
The losses may be light but the call of"achtung jabo"had a major effect on forward movement ie 2ss das reich advance to normandy

carlkay58 -> RE: Nerfing the LW fuel drops. (1/5/2013 9:57:05 PM)

I have no problem with what Saper is doing to me. It is an 'over-the-top' tactic, as mentioned above, but probably MUCH more effective than it should be. It sounds like the entire air game is changing for WitW and will probably fix this problem at that time. In the meantime, we just have to suck it up.

Pelton, I have used several depths of checkerboard vs Saper and he can still blow through it fairly fast. He has posted for an experienced Soviet opponent over in the Opponents Wanted and it appears that he and TDV will be playing soon. I am just getting over a few days spent with my youngest son and daughter-in-law who presented the family with two new grandsons this week. So time to catch up in my games.

The Guru -> RE: Nerfing the LW fuel drops. (1/5/2013 11:46:22 PM)


As for WitE, it is what it is. We feel the game is reaching stasis (with large amounts of air transport,

Sadly. For my part this refuelingfest kinda ruins the feeling of it. Both because of its completely irrealistic effectiveness and because (and probably mainly because) the Luftwaffe would never have acepted to relinquish its primary role and subordinate itself completely to the Heer. LW leaders were extremely independent vis à vis their ground forces counterparts and very jealous of their prerogatives.
I understand major fixes are not adquate as it is, what would be left for WitE 2.0, but simple fixes could help, an ADMIN cost of putting bombers to resupplying as proposed earlier, for example

DesertedFox -> RE: Nerfing the LW fuel drops. (1/6/2013 2:24:32 AM)

Thanks for your honesty Joel, and I understand perfectly what you are saying.

Iota, my current opponent and I are restarting. The house rule we are using re this issue is:

Only transport aircraft can transport supplies to motorised and tank formations, unless the formation begins the turn isolated, when bombers can be used. Otherwise bombers can be used to transport supplies to non motorised formations only.

turtlefang -> RE: Nerfing the LW fuel drops. (1/6/2013 3:39:59 AM)

janh -

Just based on reviewing air combat reports - air to air, air to ground, even air to ship - air results were over stated though out the war by everybody.

Air to air combat seemed to be consistently overstated by about 3 to 4 to 1.

Ground kills by the 10 to 15 to 1 for AFVs and 5 to 10 to 1 for soft vehicles.

Ship kills by about 2 to 1.

And this was highly consistent among all the major combatants. No one has determined why, but the reports really do so this consistent pattern on all fronts - Western, Desert, East, and Pacific.

What is extremely difficult to determine is the impact of CAS on the ground. While the kills are not that high, the suppression of fire and movement was high. How did this impact the ground combat? and how much? Don't know, but it did have a big impact in some large battles based on the losing sides reports.

The other thing that is always under estimated is the number of AFV destroyed or abandoned on the battlefield by their own side. Here it runs anywhere from 10 to 30% depending on the time, place and front. Even the Allies estimated that they abandon nearly 400 to 500 Shermans on the Western front due to tactical reason during the France campaign (many of these were recovered/reallocated before the Germans destroyed them). Just one of those things that I don't usually thing about. And a lot of those early BT tanks in Russian never even started or only moved a few miles then stopped - and were abandoned.

Joel -

Just one last point. Thank you for a great game. While the warts get pointed out here, at the end of the day, it has provided a highly cost effective entertainment value for the dollar to me. And I suspect that true for everyone that participates in the forum.

I also appreciate the comments and feedback from you and others on the design team. You don't get that on most other forums. Look forward to WitW.

Peltonx -> RE: Nerfing the LW fuel drops. (1/6/2013 10:12:32 AM)


ORIGINAL: Joel Billings

We actually account for leader casualties in the rear, as seen by many posts over the past 2 years of people losing leaders in the rear far from visible combat. In fact, people found that bombing HQs could be too effective killing leaders, IIRC. There are so many ways that players push a game system. We cannot account for every factor, nor should we, although a game like WitP or WitE makes people think we can. But that's all philosophy (something my mother actually taught in school but I could never quite deal with). So practically speaking, yes, interdiction is not handled well in WitE, but in WitW it is a major component of the air/ground game. Absolutely now that we have airbases in WtiW we should make it much more efficient to fly supplies to airbases where they can then be disseminated, as opposed to flying cargo directly to units. I expect this will happen in WitW and WitE 2.0. As for WitE, it is what it is. We feel the game is reaching stasis (with large amounts of air transport, although I think you are minimizing the value of ground support). Wish we could do more, but further efforts are really going to have little return, and will only delay WitW and WitE 2.0. We feel that anyone coming into WitE now can get hundreds of hours of enjoyment from it, and those playing it have hopefully already had hundreds of hours of enjoyment and there have been many changes over the past 1-2 years to learn and absorb. As we've always said, the game is not perfect, but we feel it is pretty darn good and we've tried to support it as best we could (and probably more than we could afford to). Those wanting to see the next evolution of WitE will have to wait for WitE 2.0 which has to wait for WitW. We do appreciate your support as we move forward.

As I stated a simple fix is bombers cant drop fuel only supplies.

Making airbases disseminate supplies better is not going to stop poeple from fling supplies to airbases and units. Looks like it makes the exploit even better.

I dont see why only letting bombers drop supplies to fix a broken part of a game is a big deal.

I know we can simply put in plase a house rule saying only transports can drop fuel to nerf the exploit.

I hope this exploit is completely nerfed for witw or a Flaviusx said Patton will be in Berlin in Dec 1944.

I am not suree how 2by3 is going to address the logistic issue for witw, but its one area wite has completely failed at.

Its been the number one issue patch after patch, hopefully the new system finally fixes it.

Peltonx -> RE: Nerfing the LW fuel drops. (1/6/2013 10:22:29 AM)



One thing I would caution is not to just focus on the Germans (some mention of the Allies for WitW has happen, which is good). I am finishing up a Russian game and once again, GS is off for the most part and every available plane is flying gas to mostly tank corps (Mech corps are the biggest gas hogs I have ever seen). This helps give them some extra mobility to advance more.

This issue makes for a better then normal blizzard. 40+ Mp tank units is normal even when they get cut off. There is more then enough bombers to keep a bunch of units with high MP's. Why I kinda laugh when I see GHC players using regiments to defend front. TDV is a master of SHC blizzards.

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