Joel Billings -> 1.06.25 Public Beta Hotfix - (English and German versions) (1/2/2013 10:38:00 PM)
Attached is a hotfix file that corrects a few more issues that have come up with the public beta. The zip file contains a new exe and readme file which you must unzip into the directory containing your game's exe file. This hotfix does not include two data files due to the 2 MB limit on posting files. The data files are minor changes and these should be included in the installer version of the update that Matrix will make available when they return from their holiday. This file is for the English language version of the game. I'll provide a German version in another post. You must have 1.06.22 installed before using the 1.06.25 hotfix. Thanks to all of you willing to test the public betas as this helps us make a better game for all. Happy New Year! Changes in 1.06.25: V1.06.25 – December 28, 2012 • New Features and Rule Changes 1. Rule Change – Frozen support units are now reset during the logistics phase so they are not frozen. The intention is that support units should not be frozen. 2. Rule Change – Soviet factories no longer rise to their build limit on the turn they become active. Axis were already not rising starting with version 1.06.22. Both Soviet and Axis factories will not increase in size before their start date. • Bug Fixes 1. Fixed a bug where Unready/depleted support units were not filtered correctly in the CR screen. 2. Fixed a bug in the data table for the support needs of certain ground element types. Heavy AT Guns now require 10 support (instead of 0), Light AT Guns require 2 support (instead of 0) and Heavy Infantry Guns require 12 support (instead of 1). These numbers are the amount of support required by 10 elements of the given type of ground element. 3. Fixed a bug where in some cases, mouse clicks on certain areas of the CR screen were not being recognized. 4. Fixed a bug where the number of available support units was not always displayed correctly (when assigning/forming support units). 5. Fixed a rare crash bug caused by using the Prev TOE(OB) option in the TOE window. 6. Fixed a bug that could cause prevent fighters from flying escort for air transport missions. 7. Fixed a bug causing the Demjansk scenario, and possibly other very small scenarios to end prematurely. • Data and Scenario Changes 1. Made minor corrections in the wrob.dat and wrdevice.dat files to improve the flow of production into units. (Not in the hotfix)