Map Hex Coordinates ? (Full Version)

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kirk23 -> Map Hex Coordinates ? (1/6/2013 5:21:27 AM)

Is it possible to have a mouse over popup or something,so that you know by the hex coordinates where things are in the game?

Myrddraal -> RE: Map Hex Coordinates ? (1/6/2013 1:00:23 PM)

Start the game from a shortcut with the command line option 'debug'. Press '/' when in game, and click on a hex.

I'll move this to the modding subforum, as it could be useful for others.

JJKettunen -> RE: Map Hex Coordinates ? (1/6/2013 6:07:48 PM)


ORIGINAL: Myrddraal

I'll move this to the modding subforum, as it could be useful for others.

It certainly is!

kirk23 -> RE: Map Hex Coordinates ? (1/13/2013 7:03:21 PM)

I must be stupid or something but I can't get this to work,and I'm getting fed up with loading the game and counting hexes![:@]

The hex positions should show up as a standard feature within the game.

JJKettunen -> RE: Map Hex Coordinates ? (1/13/2013 8:52:55 PM)

Works for me.

kirk23 -> RE: Map Hex Coordinates ? (1/13/2013 9:09:46 PM)

I know it proberly works,but I don't know how to get the shortcut to work.Do I copy the shortcut that I normally use to run the game,and rename it debug or something,I have never done it before,art I can do![:)]

JJKettunen -> RE: Map Hex Coordinates ? (1/13/2013 10:05:52 PM)


ORIGINAL: kirk23

I know it proberly works,but I don't know how to get the shortcut to work.Do I copy the shortcut that I normally use to run the game,and rename it debug or something,I have never done it before,art I can do![:)]

You type "debug" to the properties of the shortcut (right mouse click).

kirk23 -> RE: Map Hex Coordinates ? (1/13/2013 10:47:24 PM)

Type where in what line ?

The Target Line ?

The START IN line ?

Does debug go before autorun,I don't know I have tried it windows just gives me an error![&:]


kirk23 -> RE: Map Hex Coordinates ? (1/13/2013 10:56:50 PM)

Its alright when you have done something before,but when you have not,its not as easy,I keep getting error messages.

I'm sure its simple to do,but since I don't know how to do it believe me its annoying![:@]


JJKettunen -> RE: Map Hex Coordinates ? (1/13/2013 11:18:31 PM)

Target line. See below (it's Finnish). Do note that this is for my "MOD" installation of the game.


kirk23 -> RE: Map Hex Coordinates ? (1/13/2013 11:25:11 PM)

Cheers I will give a try.[;)]

I wish the powers that be would not assume, because us mortals can use a PC,that we can do nearly anything with it,I can do alot,but then again there are things I need shown what to do.[X(]

kirk23 -> RE: Map Hex Coordinates ? (1/13/2013 11:32:15 PM)



Target line. See below (it's Finnish). Do note that this is for my "MOD" installation of the game.


Hi tried it still stumped,I'm going to my bed before I throw this PC oot the ******* window.[sm=comp16.gif]


Owllord -> RE: Map Hex Coordinates ? (8/7/2014 7:49:11 PM)

First of all, I'm sorry for bumping an old thread, but I seem to have run into similar problems as kirk had. I've managed to set up everything as suggested by Keke just fine, but pressing / does not seem to have any effect whatsoever. Where exactly are the hex coordinates supposed to show up? Has this feature perhaps been removed in one of the patches since the original creation of this thread? I've even navigated into the directory directly by command line to launch the .exe with debug parameters, but it didn't help either. Does anyone have any suggestions? Perhaps you figured it out in the end, kirk?

Thanks in advance for any help that might be coming my way.

kirk23 -> RE: Map Hex Coordinates ? (8/8/2014 6:46:10 PM)

Nope I still can't get this to work,I count hexes to get by,because you know the hex co-ordinates for the Cities etc.[:D]

Owllord -> RE: Map Hex Coordinates ? (8/9/2014 7:51:14 PM)

Ah well, thanks anyway. That's the method I've now settled for, and one gets more efficient with practice I noticed.

kirk23 -> RE: Map Hex Coordinates ? (5/23/2015 11:56:07 PM)

Hex coordinates are now highlighted when a hex is selected on the map![:)]

Many thanks to DanielHerr for making this possible.[&o][&o][&o]


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