Been eyeing this game for a couple years now and am just about to cave in with them holiday sales still up, but wanted to ask if it's enjoyable enough or even possible to automate a lot of the game and concentrate just on the diplomatic or economic aspects of the game?
I find the game can be set up for any play-style mood I happen to be in.
Most of the time I play with nothing automated. I micromanage everything which generally takes all my concentration. (Not to mention a great deal of time to play through a game...) [8D]
However, there are times when I just don't feel like going the hardcore route and just want to "pick away" at something while watching tv. For those days I automate about 90% of the game - only interrupting the game to influence research or take control of a fleet to go on a pirate hunt or put the boots to a nearby alien race.
I've found either way is just as much fun!
So by all means, cave in and grab a copy while it's on sale. [:)]
Thanks for the answers. I kinda figured you can automate pretty much everything, but you could technically play Total war games for the diplomacy only, but we all know what a travesty that would be.
Anywho, caved, bought and looking forward to sucking at playing. [:D]