searching for a player (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Current Games From Matrix.] >> [World War II] >> Norm Koger's The Operational Art Of War III >> Opponents Wanted


dmagnusson -> searching for a player (1/9/2013 12:41:02 PM)


Searching for a swede named Per from Sweden..

He live in Thailand...

Wonder if you could contact me on dmagnusson123 (at) and/or danmagnusson (at)

(on swedish now)

Undrar om du skulle vilja PBEM i TOAW 3 igen?

/Dan M

Sensei.Tokugawa -> RE: searching for a player (1/17/2013 9:36:07 PM)

Hello Dan

I have been playing with Per for quite some time, currently the Campaign for North Africa 1911 - 44 by Bob Cross, Per hasn't replied in a while, but believe he is perfectly accessible. By the way, any luck in finding opponents?

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