How to successfully protect your mining ships? (Full Version)

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Peef -> How to successfully protect your mining ships? (1/10/2013 8:34:13 AM)

The situation is this:

I'm still early in the game, the pirates (or beats) keep attacking my mining ships, I send my fleet after them, and like like 40% of the situations they arrive in time and deal with it.

But I can't manage to defend all my mining facilities..

Can I do anything to improve this? Should I make military ships on automation patrol?

Sirian -> RE: How to successfully protect your mining ships? (1/10/2013 10:12:16 AM)

I usually leave all my escorts and frigates on auto, the AI does a good job assigning them to escort duty and so protects my mining fleet. Bases get designed in a way that they can handle themselves. (~10 weapon systems of choice, more shields) In addition at midgame I build and assign small destroyer fleets and assign them defense stance and so cover my territory. This seems to protect my assets well enough. The occasional pirate still slips through, but that is inevitable.

Peef -> RE: How to successfully protect your mining ships? (1/10/2013 10:35:36 AM)

thx for the tip, gonna try that!

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