Sirian -> Sirian's Mods Chacacter Roles (Shadows) and Troop Icons (Legends) (1/14/2013 7:53:49 AM)
Troop Images Mod (Legends only, do not use with Shadows) This is a small mod containing new icons for troops. I wanted troop icons that look good when scaled to tiny sizes and give some hint about what this troop is and how strong it is. After some experimentation I settled with color coded helmet icons. The color code is the same as in all of my mods with quality going from grey as least quality to green to blue to purple as best quality. I divided the races in 4 categories of roughly the same size and gave those with the least troop strength grey icons, the next group got green, blue and the grou with the highest troop strength got purple icons. This resulted in visually appealing icons (at least to me) that can be scaled very small and still give a hint about the strength of those troops. Unfortunately, there are a few aspects that could not be covered. If you create a clone troop, it will always have the icon of your race even if you clone a troop of a conquered or befriended race. So if you play Atuuks and create a clone troop, it will always have a grey icon even if it really is a cloned unit of Boskarans, which have purple icons. If you recruit a unit of Boskarans on their planet, you will get troops with purple icons. Additionally, I left the robotic troop icon as it is so they can be easily discerned. Should your troops gain experience in battle and increase their strength value, the icon is not going to show that. The icon is a simple race-color correlation, so it is entirely possible to have grey-iconed Atuuk elite shock troops with a higher strength than a regular purple-iconed Boskura noob squad. (The thought of Atuuk elite shock troops rounding up Shakturi regulars that are 4 times their size amuses me. :-) Installation: Extract contents into your favorite mod directory found in Distant Worlds/Customization/[your favorite mod] Be careful not to overwrite possible troop images already there. [image][/image] The mod is attached to this forum post