RE: Build Roll - mirror (Full Version)

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Dimitris -> RE: Build Roll - mirror (6/30/2013 9:26:54 PM)

Build 394
* New splash screen.
* Land units on the move multiply their effective visual signature (dust cloud, human eye picking up movement etc.). The increase is directly proportional to their speed. This is an important factor on CAS/BAI situations.
* Manually unassigning a unit (ie. selecting it and pressing "U") now clears the unit of any RTB status (winchester, bingo, manual etc.) and makes it again available to the player for further control. (No more "Winchester/Bingo paralysis")
* Scen authors can now edit the reference points of exclusizon zones & no-navigation zones.
* Rising mines now work properly... and they're a bonafide nightmare.

Dimitris -> RE: Build Roll - mirror (6/30/2013 9:27:04 PM)

Build 395
* The minimum safe height for aircraft now also takes into account local weather variables and navigation technological level. For example an A-4 can go as low as 50m overwater on a perfect day with dead calm sea, but during a violent storm the minimum altitude is 150m.
* Includes the DB3000 v382.

ETF -> RE: Build Roll - mirror (7/6/2013 9:18:33 PM)


Do you guys need any beta testers..... Our group played your GC2 loved it!

Dimitris -> RE: Build Roll - mirror (7/6/2013 11:05:34 PM)


GCB2 (which is indeed excellent) is being developed by another group, not us.

Dimitris -> RE: Build Roll - mirror (8/4/2013 1:43:27 PM)

Build 397
New doctrine option: Use Refueling/UNREP. Using this setting the player can specify which of his assets will make use of tankers or UNREP ships. This is very useful in setups with scarce refuel/UNREP assets (a frequent situation on mid-sized navies & AFs) whose use must be strictly limited to specific missions/groups/units (e.g. provide tanking to a strike mission while forcing CAPs to return to base when bingo).

Dimitris -> RE: Build Roll - mirror (8/4/2013 1:43:37 PM)

Build 398
Improvements to sub & ASW AI:
* Improved merging of AOUs
* Wire-guided torpedoes guide better to the estimated target position
* ASW aircraft target and manouver to intercept detected subs even when they (the aircraft) are unarmed or have run out of weapons; the idea is to pin down the submarine and keep it localized until an able shooter gets into killing position.
* Improved algorithm for active sonar detections (sonar signature now plays a larger factor)

Dimitris -> RE: Build Roll - mirror (8/4/2013 1:43:46 PM)

Build 400
AAW missiles now have their base hit probabilities adjusted for range (from launch point to impact), to reflect their reduced maneuverability at extended range. Rocket-powered weapons (most missiles) have their PHs maximized at 50% of maximum range and gradually reduced up to 50% of the base-PH at full range. Ramjet-powered weapons (Sea Dart, SA-6, Meteor etc.) are less affected; they maintain their full base-PHs up to 75% of maximum range and their max PH reduction is 25% of original.

Dimitris -> RE: Build Roll - mirror (8/4/2013 1:43:59 PM)

Build 402
* Players & scen designers can now explicitly mark escorts assets on strike missions as such, on the mission editor window. This ensures that the escort units stick on their mission even if they find no immediate targets to engage (otherwise they would RTB).
* Includes the DB3000 v384 & CWDB v3.2.21 with numerous new additions.

Dimitris -> RE: Build Roll - mirror (8/4/2013 1:44:21 PM)

Build 406
* Major speed improvements in "heavy" scenarios with lots of sensor interactions (e.g. Shamal, Down Town).

* The actual, altitude-dependent downrange of air-launched unguided anti-surface weapons is now reflected on the ASuW range-ring. So as an aircraft climbs higher you will see the ring expand (it can shoot further with the gun or rockets, or loft/toss an unguided bomb) or conversely shrink when the aircraft goes low.

* The LOS algorithm for surface-to-surface detections now also takes into account target height (distinct from altitude) dimesions, thus producing extended detection ranges depending on target size.

* Includes the DB3000 v388 & CWDB v388.

* Includes updated versions of all existing production scenarios.

* Includes a new DB3000 scenario by Ragnar: "The Tiger and the Dragon" (China-India carrier groups battle!).

Dimitris -> RE: Build Roll - mirror (8/20/2013 4:17:44 PM)

Build 407
* Detected contact emissions can now be toggled on/off for all contacts or for just the selected contact (addition to "Map Settings" menu: Contact Emissions), to declutter the map if necessary.

* Includes updated versions of all production scenarios and all import files.

Dimitris -> RE: Build Roll - mirror (8/20/2013 4:18:02 PM)

Build 408
* Added dedicated "Layer manager" window for custom (user) map layers. Through it, players can add, remove and combine an arbitrary number of custom layers concurrently.

* The no-navigation zone editor is now also available in normal game mode (Main menu -> Unit orders -> No-navigation zones) instead of only in ScenEdit mode. Zones that are meant to be untouchable by the player (e.g. political constraints) can be "locked" by the scen author and be exactly that (locked) during gameplay.

jmscho -> RE: Build Roll - mirror (9/30/2013 4:57:16 PM)


From Build 395 comments
* The minimum safe height for aircraft now also takes into account local weather variables and navigation technological level. For example an A-4 can go as low as 50m overwater on a perfect day with dead calm sea, but during a violent storm the minimum altitude is 150m.

I recall RN Buccaneers regularly flew lower than these figures (feet instead of meters). A story from a Red Flag exercise where a Buccaneer came back with telegraph wires wrapped around its tail. When asked about it, the pilot said he was climbing when he hit them.

bsq -> RE: Build Roll - mirror (9/30/2013 5:56:54 PM)


ORIGINAL: jmscho


From Build 395 comments
* The minimum safe height for aircraft now also takes into account local weather variables and navigation technological level. For example an A-4 can go as low as 50m overwater on a perfect day with dead calm sea, but during a violent storm the minimum altitude is 150m.

I recall RN Buccaneers regularly flew lower than these figures (feet instead of meters). A story from a Red Flag exercise where a Buccaneer came back with telegraph wires wrapped around its tail. When asked about it, the pilot said he was climbing when he hit them.

Our lower limit in wartime would have been 100' (or 33 metres), 200' in peacetime (Nimrod MR2). Have seen RAF Buccaneers flying so low that they appeared to be between the 'swell'. Scary watching a Rad ALt wind up and wind down according to to the wave height...

Primarchx -> RE: Build Roll - mirror (9/30/2013 7:15:02 PM)

Should the low end altitude be 'open' - ie player-selected AGL? Depending on aircraft type, weather, visibility, avionics, (crew quality someday), etc there would be a periodic chance of crashing if too low? Or just a chance of crashing but certainly an extra margin of altitude noting pilot uncertainty about flying that low? Or both?

bsq -> RE: Build Roll - mirror (9/30/2013 7:53:38 PM)



Build 363

SA-N-21c Growler [9M96] -- 2016

9M96 reporting name is Gambler
40N6 reporting name is Grendel

Dimitris -> RE: Build Roll - mirror (9/30/2013 8:05:39 PM)




Build 363

SA-N-21c Growler [9M96] -- 2016

9M96 reporting name is Gambler
40N6 reporting name is Grendel


Dimitris -> RE: Build Roll - mirror (9/30/2013 8:07:23 PM)





Build 363

SA-N-21c Growler [9M96] -- 2016

9M96 reporting name is Gambler
40N6 reporting name is Grendel

You wouldn't happen to have any unclassified picture or diagram of 40N6, would you? I've been looking all over for that one.

ComDev -> RE: Build Roll - mirror (9/30/2013 8:08:51 PM)

Nice, thanks :) What about designation? SA-2x?

Just curious, what's the source for this info? Any update on NATO codenames for the radars too?

bsq -> RE: Build Roll - mirror (9/30/2013 8:33:47 PM)



Nice, thanks :) What about designation? SA-2x?

Just curious, what's the source for this info? Any update on NATO codenames for the radars too?

SA-21b and standby on a 40N6 picture as it was at a recent (last 2 years) arms show - but I forget where... (but I will find it)

FCR is Grave Stone, SSR is Cheese Board, BMR is Big Bird
That's from various sources on the web including

This is to a picture of the 9M96E, 9M96E2 and 48N6E2

Dimitris -> RE: Build Roll - mirror (10/1/2013 2:59:05 PM)

Build 431
This is the first post-v1 beta build. It provides fixes for the majority (all?) of crash bugs reported since v1 was frozen.

Dimitris -> RE: Build Roll - mirror (10/1/2013 3:01:20 PM)

Build 432
* Map zoom/pan operations are a bit faster.

Dimitris -> RE: Build Roll - mirror (10/1/2013 3:02:30 PM)

Build 433
* Performance improvement on map zoom/pan operations.

* Added button "Abort Launch" on Air Ops menu. When clicked, any of the selected aircraft which is preparing to launch will abort the sequence and attempt to return to an available parking facility.

* Only aircraft that are in a parking facility can be armed (solves problem of airbase traffic jams due to aircraft being readied while on transit points).

* Added game option: Zoom map to mouse cursor location (instead of camera center).

Dimitris -> RE: Build Roll - mirror (10/1/2013 3:03:07 PM)

Build 434
* Further refinements to UI map performance.

* Added new game option: Sonobuoy Visibility. Available settings are: Normal, Ghosted and Do Not Show (not reccomended).

* Added new reference point menu command: De-select all reference points.

Dimitris -> RE: Build Roll - mirror (10/1/2013 3:04:52 PM)

Build 435
* More performance-oriented tweaks.

* Command's high-fidelity mode (0.1-sec pulse length) at 1:1 time setting is now optional: New game option, "High Fidelity Mode", enabled by default. To switch to 1-sec pulse length at 1:1 (aka coarse mode, identical to how Harpoon 3 runs at 1:1), disable this option. This has the effect of dramatically speeding up gameplay at 1:1 setting (e.g. on a mid-range i5 rig, the opening phase of "Brass Drum" runs at true 1:1 without delay at all).

Dimitris -> RE: Build Roll - mirror (10/1/2013 3:05:24 PM)

Build 436
Fixed a subtle error that caused bad speed in High-Fidelity mode in B435.

Dimitris -> RE: Build Roll - mirror (10/1/2013 3:05:52 PM)

Build 437
* More stability tweaks.

* DB viewer addition: Dedicated weapon page. Search, filtering etc. work just like any other unit type (except that country-level filtering is not available for weapons). File naming conventions for images & text descriptions are Weapon_XXX.jpg and Weapon_XXX.txt respectively.

* While having a weapon selected on the map, clicking on the weapon-class button on the unit status window will bring up the weapon's relevant page in the DB viewer.

thewood1 -> RE: Build Roll - mirror (10/1/2013 3:08:56 PM)

Awesome...any idea how long til availability of these later builds beyond 434

snowburn -> RE: Build Roll - mirror (10/1/2013 4:17:16 PM)


* Command's high-fidelity mode (0.1-sec pulse length) at 1:1 time setting is now optional: New game option, "High Fidelity Mode", enabled by default. To switch to 1-sec pulse length at 1:1 (aka coarse mode, identical to how Harpoon 3 runs at 1:1), disable this option. This has the effect of dramatically speeding up gameplay at 1:1 setting (e.g. on a mid-range i5 rig, the opening phase of "Brass Drum" runs at true 1:1 without delay at all).

why dont add this to the time compression dropdown?

1:1 High Fidelity
5 seg
15 seg
30 seg

Dimitris -> RE: Build Roll - mirror (10/16/2013 8:34:48 AM)

Build 438 (v1.01 RC1)

- 0005443: [420] Crash on Zoom
- 0005533: Game just stops, get error message when trying to save scenario
- 0005546: [430] No Nav Zones not working properly
- 0005528: [427] Edit Exclusion zoneDialog bug
- 0005543: [430] Freeze in basic air ops
- 0005496: Sensor dialog Crash
- 0005503: [426] Maria & Victoria
- 0005605: Crash: Stanavforlant crashes with a NullReferenceException
- 0005646: [432] Can still clog a carrier or airbase by readying aircraft on elevators
- 0005592: Aircraft should accept ready/rearm command _only_ when parked
- 0005260: Zooming on mouse scroll wheel
- 0004409: Sonobouys clutter the display. Possibly to fade the or have an on/off view.
- 0005650: Deselect all RPs hotkey
- 0005667: OOM Exception, Red-X-of-doom
- 0005652: Loading a scenario while another scenario runs causes sim to freeze up
- 0005617: SOSUS not working
- 0005013: Add Unit dialog should remember the country from the previous inserted platform
- 0005676: [434] Can't manually deploy active sonobouy from TU-142 bear
- 0005488: KDX update
- 0004857: Chinese OTH-B and OTH-SW radars
- 0005562: Swiss radars
- 0003319: DB3K: Swiss BL-64
- 0005570: Swiss radar ER-220
- 0005569: Swiss radar LGR-1
- 0005610: Load out mispelling
- 0005576: Swiss radar TPS-1E
- 0005571: Swiss radar ZW9/ZW10
- 0003320: DB3K: Swiss "FLORIDA" EW radar
- 0005577: Photos and text placed incorrectly in DB viewer
- 0005596: Zumwalt Needs Helo Magazine
- 0005598: DB3k Minor Text Edits

* Significant performance improvements both on UI map operations (zoom/pan) and sim execution.

* Enhanced stability.

* Added button "Abort Launch" on Air Ops menu. When clicked, any of the selected aircraft which is preparing to launch will abort the sequence and attempt to return to an available parking facility.

* Only aircraft that are in a parking facility can be armed (solves problem of airbase traffic jams due to aircraft being readied while on transit points).

* Added game option: Zoom map to mouse cursor location (instead of camera center).

* Added new game option: Sonobuoy Visibility. Available settings are: Normal, Ghosted and Do Not Show (not reccomended).

* Added new reference-point menu command: De-select all reference points.

* Command's hitherto mandatory high-fidelity mode (0.1-sec pulse length) at 1:1 time setting, is now optional: New game option, "High Fidelity Mode", enabled by default. To switch to 1-sec pulse length at 1:1 (aka coarse mode, similar to how Harpoon 3 runs at 1:1), disable this option. This has the effect of dramatically speeding up gameplay at 1:1 setting.

* DB viewer addition: Dedicated weapon page. Search, filtering etc. work just like any other unit type (except that country-level filtering is not available for weapons). File naming conventions for images & text
descriptions are Weapon_XXX.jpg and Weapon_XXX.txt respectively.

* While having a weapon selected on the map, clicking on the weapon-class button on the unit status window will bring up the weapon's relevant page in the DB viewer.

* Hold-fire can now be issued on multi-selected units, in addition to single units and groups.

* DB viewer improvements: Valid Targets on weapon page, per-engine maximum speed displayed on powerplant section for all platforms (particularly useful for diesel-electric submarines).

* The "Add Unit" window now remembers all selection filters used on the last unit addition and re-applies them whenever called up.

* Includes four scenarios that were previously available on the community scenario pack:
- Brother against Brother
- Canary's Cage
- Choking Halifax
- Fighter Weapons School - GAT 5&6

* Includes the v394 updates for DB3000 & CWDB. New platforms & systems include:

Bo-105CBS -- Canada (Coast Guard), 1984, 16x
AC-130J Ghostrider -- United States (Air Force), 2015, Upgr MC-130J Commando II
MC-130J Commando II -- United States (Air Force), 2013, 4x + Xx, Ex-Combat Shadow II
Camcopter S-100 -- China (Navy), 2012, 18x
Camcopter S-100 -- Libya (Army), 2010, 4x, Khamis Brigade

CCGS Cape Roger -- Canada (Coast Guard), 1978
CCGS Cape Roger -- Canada (Coast Guard), 1997, Refit
Civilian RHIB [11m] -- Civilian (Civilian)
Civilian RHIB [7m, Armed] -- Civilian (Civilian), Pirate
Civilian RHIB [7m] -- Civilian (Civilian)
DDG 991 Sejong the Great [KDX-3] -- South Korea (Navy), 2014, K-ASROC, Hyunmoo-3C
DDH 971 Gwanggaeto the Great [KDX-1] -- South Korea (Navy), 2003
DDH 978 Wang Geon [KDX-2 Mod] -- South Korea (Navy), 2014, K-ASROC, Hyunmoo-3C
F 230 Norfolk [Type 23 Duke] -- United Kingdom (Royal Navy), 2013, Type 997
F 230 Norfolk [Type 23 Duke] -- United Kingdom (Royal Navy), 2017, CAMM(M)
F 236 Montrose [Type 23 Duke] -- United Kingdom (Royal Navy), 2014, Type 997
F 236 Montrose [Type 23 Duke] -- United Kingdom (Royal Navy), 2017, CAMM(M)
P 71 Serviola -- Spain (Navy), 1993

Ground Stuff:
Radar (9ZW/10ZW HF) -- Switzerland (Air Force), 1966-1998, 2x, Assoc w AN/FPS-20A
Radar (AN/FPS-20A) -- Switzerland (Air Force), 1966-1998, 1x, Assoc w 9ZW/10ZW HF
Radar (AN/TPS-1E) -- Switzerland (Air Force), 1958-1989, 24x, AAA Support
Radar (Big Bird C [64N6]) -- Algeria (Air Force), 2009, SA-20
Radar (China OTH-B Receiver) -- China (Air Force)
Radar (China OTH-B Transmitter) -- China (Air Force)
Radar (China OTH-SW Receiver) -- China (Air Force), 2003
Radar (China OTH-SW Transmitter) -- China (Air Force), 2003
Radar (H(R)-500) -- Switzerland (Air Force), 1970-2003, 3x, Florida System
Radar (Jindalee JORN Receiver) -- Australia (Air Force), 1983
Radar (PS-47/F) -- Sweden (Air Force), 1965-1993, 9x
Radar (PS-68/F) -- Sweden (Air Force), 1964-1980, 1x
SAM Bn (SA-20b Gargoyle [S-300PMU-2]) -- Algeria (Air Force), 2009, 4x TEL, 2x Bn + 96L6E, 8x Bn
SAM Bn (SA-21a/b Growler [S-400 Triumph]) -- Russia [1992-] (Air Force), 2013, 12x TEL
SAM Sqn (Bloodhound 2 [BL-64]) -- Switzerland (Royal Air Force), 1965-1999, 1x Training Site, 1x Sec, 4x lnchr
SAM Sqn (Bloodhound 2 [BL-64]) -- Switzerland (Royal Air Force), 1965-1999, 2x Sites, 1x Sec, 8x lnchr
SAM Sqn (Bloodhound 2 [BL-64]) -- Switzerland (Royal Air Force), 1965-1999, 3x Sites, 2x Sec, 16x lnchr

AIM-54A Phoenix [Fakour-90] -- 2012, SARH
Sea Ceptor [CAMM(M)] -- 2017
Hyunmoo-3C -- South Korea, 2013, Xuanwu 3

Dimitris -> RE: Build Roll - mirror (10/16/2013 8:36:27 AM)

Build 439 (v1.01 RC2)

- 0005714: [438] Slow down after assigning Backfire groups to ASuw Mission
- 0005511: Possible for a Player to set a 0 speed.
- 0005718: Get rid of NUM LOCK requirement

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