Andrew Loveridge -> SWiE v1.08 Public Beta Now Available (1/24/2013 8:44:20 PM)
Hello All, We have a new Update available in the Members Club. It includes a few fixes and changes. It is comprehensive and includes all the previous updates. Please give it a try, and let us know how it works for you. Changes since last Official Update v1.08 – March 18, 2013 - War relations in all scenarios
Gameplay - Supply system delivery updated
v1.07 – January 19, 2013 - Entrenchment bonus now reduced properly just after movement of the unit and not at the end of the turn
- Game can be always running in Quick Start mode as Allies
- Fixed display o the Defenders effective strength value
Features - Nukes are now aquired every four months instead of each month (moddable)
- Nuclear report added to the reports
AI - AI now uses the Nuclear Bombs more eagerly
Scenarios - Completely new 1945 scenario has been added to the game
v1.06 – November 29, 2012 - Fixed the bug causing the game to crash under Win 8
- Fixed problems with reinforcing units under certain supply level
- Fixed problem with bad reading of constant values
Gameplay - Modified balance to favor USSR human player against German AI. Now human player should have possibility to win against German AI on normal level
v1.05 – October 22, 2012 - Number of people and equipment in units now displayed correctly
- Fleets without any naval units assigned are now automatically disbanded at the end of the turn
- Loading data from country specific consts files fixed
Gameplay - Modified balance to favor USSR human player against German AI
- Modified balance to favor German human player against USSR AI
- Now if a unit is returned to the forcepool with a commander, then the commander is reassigned from the unit
- Changed supply schedule, now convoys are perforemd after selecting supply sources by units
- It is nowpossible to see full description for all events
- Increased Allied AI support on higher German difficulty levels
- Randomness added to the creation of Vichy event, now there is only 50% of chances that the Vichy France will be created after capturing of Paris
AI - Changed AI behavior to keep aircrafts at least one hex from enemy units
- Making Allied AI more agressive (sill needs to have advantage to attack enemy)
Features - It is possible now that the Disembark will fail every time a unit will try to unload from a sea zone where enemy fleet has got advantage
GUI - If a unit is hidden under the Fog of War, then clicking on a hex with that unit does not reveal Unit Panel
Other - If unit has got -1,-1 coordinates assigned it is always put into the reserve, even if the proper value is not entered