cmdrsam -> Disbanding ? (1/25/2013 5:11:52 AM)
Hi guys. Been awhile. Played this for a bit, got overwhelmed. Tried a pbem, got my butt kicked,lol. felt overwhelmed again and left it alone. Well now I got that itch to knock off the dust on this again and try and learn more. enough of me blabbing. Ok disbanding LCU? Ok get you can do it in certain cities. My question, or I guess a couple of questions. 1. What do you look for when your disbanding a LCU? I understand the unit load out will go into a pool so you can have replacments. 2. But does the unit come back? Like when you disband a air group. 3. Speaking of disbanding air groups. Same question as number 1. Looking for tips on the reasons why you would disband a LCU or Air group.