Franciscus -> RE: Birth of Rome patches. (2/2/2013 4:42:20 PM)
ORIGINAL: wodin No AJE..never given it the time it deserves though to be honest..until the Germanic tribes\Brits and Gauls come along I think I will hold off..I found with AJE having little Ancient Warfare and historcial Knowledge meant I never really knew what I was supposed to be doing or how to do it with no reference point in my mind to go by. I think though my fascination with the tribes will help me more if and when the game includes them. Then I may go and pick up the rest and some point. Until then though I'm leaving it. For the record, in the Samnite War and specially in the Ager Gallicus scenario, part of BOR, you may find lots of Gallic tribes: Senones, Boii, Cenomanii,... Regards (PS: a beta patch for BOR is already available, for now in the Ageod forums)