2013 Super Bowl commercials (Full Version)

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parusski -> 2013 Super Bowl commercials (2/4/2013 7:13:28 PM)

Do you have favorites??
You might have to view the ads before the ads.[:D]
I liked:

Megan Fox

Super Bowl Mock

And of course this:

Kate Upton

I still wish Kate Upton had actually been pushing a product. I mean...no product, right? [X(]

Titanwarrior89 -> RE: 2013 Super Bowl commercials (2/5/2013 12:10:56 AM)

Rave4 Wish lady and the Farmer's. [&o]

parusski -> RE: 2013 Super Bowl commercials (2/6/2013 3:54:19 PM)


ORIGINAL: Titanwarrior89

Rave4 Wish lady and the Farmer's. [&o]


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2013 Super Bowl commercials

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Yeah, the Farmer commercial was great. Paul Harvey was amazing.

Chickenboy -> RE: 2013 Super Bowl commercials (2/6/2013 6:50:06 PM)


ORIGINAL: Titanwarrior89

Rave4 Wish lady and the Farmer's. [&o]

I liked these two also. Particularly the (Dodge, wasn't it) Farmer ad. Very stirring that one. I liked the Rav4 ad because I think that chick from "Big Bang Theory" is very hot.

parusski -> RE: 2013 Super Bowl commercials (2/6/2013 6:53:29 PM)


ORIGINAL: Chickenboy


ORIGINAL: Titanwarrior89

Rave4 Wish lady and the Farmer's. [&o]

I liked these two also. Particularly the (Dodge, wasn't it) Farmer ad. Very stirring that one. I liked the Rav4 ad because I think that chick from "Big Bang Theory" is very hot.

Oh yeah, the Dodge commercial was fantastic. Interestingly some have been saying it was racist. Man, I just love how people can find hate or racism in something that moving.

Capt. Harlock -> RE: 2013 Super Bowl commercials (2/6/2013 8:13:40 PM)

My personal favorite: the Jack-in-the-Box "Hot Mess" commercial:

My son and I both roared with laughter. (My wife came into the room immediately afterwards, couldn't understand what was going on -- and we found it impossible to explain.)

parusski -> RE: 2013 Super Bowl commercials (2/6/2013 8:51:42 PM)


ORIGINAL: Capt. Harlock

My personal favorite: the Jack-in-the-Box "Hot Mess" commercial:

My son and I both roared with laughter. (My wife came into the room immediately afterwards, couldn't understand what was going on -- and we found it impossible to explain.)

Oh, man, LOL. I missed that somehow. How odd, I met Mrs. Parusski in a similar fashion.

Titanwarrior89 -> RE: 2013 Super Bowl commercials (2/6/2013 10:25:05 PM)

I didn't see that one either. The Clydesdale commerical was good to. I would give that a thumbs up[&o]

ORIGINAL: parusski


ORIGINAL: Capt. Harlock

My personal favorite: the Jack-in-the-Box "Hot Mess" commercial:

My son and I both roared with laughter. (My wife came into the room immediately afterwards, couldn't understand what was going on -- and we found it impossible to explain.)

Oh, man, LOL. I missed that somehow. How odd, I met Mrs. Parusski in a similar fashion.

Sarge -> RE: 2013 Super Bowl commercials (2/6/2013 11:11:35 PM)

Dodge/Paul Harvey was good

parusski -> RE: 2013 Super Bowl commercials (2/6/2013 11:17:33 PM)



Dodge/Paul Harvey was good

It was great. I still can't believe people found the ad racist. Today I saw some posts somewhere bashing white men...OH what's new.

Amazing facts about American farmers:

To keep up with population growth more food will have to be produced in the next 50 years as the past 10,000 years combined.

Today, the average U.S. farmer feeds 155 people. In 1960, a farmer fed just 26 people.

Today’s farmer grows twice as much food as his parents did – using less land, energy, water and fewer emissions.

American farmers ship more than $100 billion of their crops and products to many nations.

If U.S. farmers used crop production practices from 1931 to produce an amount of corn equivalent to the 2008 crop, it would require 490 million acres—an area more than 120 million acres larger than the state of Alaska.

Titanwarrior89 -> RE: 2013 Super Bowl commercials (2/6/2013 11:25:06 PM)

I seen what you mean. Just read a news thing. Latins upset because of no latino's in the farmer commerical. Please give me a break![:-]

ORIGINAL: parusski



Dodge/Paul Harvey was good

It was great. I still can't believe people found the ad racist. Today I saw some posts somewhere bashing white men...OH what's new.

Amazing facts about American farmers:

To keep up with population growth more food will have to be produced in the next 50 years as the past 10,000 years combined.

Today, the average U.S. farmer feeds 155 people. In 1960, a farmer fed just 26 people.

Today’s farmer grows twice as much food as his parents did – using less land, energy, water and fewer emissions.

American farmers ship more than $100 billion of their crops and products to many nations.

If U.S. farmers used crop production practices from 1931 to produce an amount of corn equivalent to the 2008 crop, it would require 490 million acres—an area more than 120 million acres larger than the state of Alaska.

parusski -> RE: 2013 Super Bowl commercials (2/6/2013 11:32:47 PM)


ORIGINAL: Titanwarrior89

I seen what you mean. Just read a news thing. Latins upset because of no latino's in the farmer commerical. Please give me a break![:-]

ORIGINAL: parusski



Dodge/Paul Harvey was good

It was great. I still can't believe people found the ad racist. Today I saw some posts somewhere bashing white men...OH what's new.

Amazing facts about American farmers:

To keep up with population growth more food will have to be produced in the next 50 years as the past 10,000 years combined.

Today, the average U.S. farmer feeds 155 people. In 1960, a farmer fed just 26 people.

Today’s farmer grows twice as much food as his parents did – using less land, energy, water and fewer emissions.

American farmers ship more than $100 billion of their crops and products to many nations.

If U.S. farmers used crop production practices from 1931 to produce an amount of corn equivalent to the 2008 crop, it would require 490 million acres—an area more than 120 million acres larger than the state of Alaska.

Get in line T89. White males can't get upset.

See what Jay Leno said about Super Bowl commercials. The video is embedd in the newsbusters.com website. Wait a moment and you should be able to play it:


Sarge -> RE: 2013 Super Bowl commercials (2/6/2013 11:42:51 PM)


ORIGINAL: parusski
It was great. I still can't believe people found the ad racist. Today I saw some posts somewhere bashing white men...OH what's new.

I miss Paul Harvey’s “the rest of the story” ………….the t@rds calling the commercial “rasist” haven’t a clue who’s voice it was or even who Paul Harvey is/was.

Titanwarrior89 -> RE: 2013 Super Bowl commercials (2/6/2013 11:45:45 PM)

I love this country but I am so tired of Double standards.  I am sick of political correctness...truth is truth.  I don't dislike people overall but sooo tired of the way things get shoved down our throats with the special interest groups.  This is america, now you can't even run a commerical because a certain race isn't in it.  That angers me,  my christian believes tell me not to be that way but I am so tired of it.

Sarge -> RE: 2013 Super Bowl commercials (2/6/2013 11:56:05 PM)

I call BS, no one gives two squirts about Pancho the picker, their offended Dodge had the audacity in our enlightened times too use the word “GOD” In their advisement …………..[;)]

parusski -> RE: 2013 Super Bowl commercials (2/7/2013 12:12:22 AM)



I call BS, no one gives two squirts about Pancho the picker, their offended Dodge had the audacity in our enlightened times too use the word “GOD” In their advisement …………..[;)]

You said it Sarge. God is the whole problem the progressives have with the commercial.

TitanW, what are you drinking? Oh, wait, you have every reason to be indignant. At least half the country does.

Sarge -> RE: 2013 Super Bowl commercials (2/7/2013 1:05:23 AM)

It’s terrible, we’ve seen “racism, sexism” and the all-around “hater” discounted to almost trivial levels ………btw, I grew up on a farm (corn ‘n soy ) we drive/drove Fords ‘n lived by Harvey’s farm reports. honestly i'm perplexed by this whole realization Hispanics migrant seasonal workers are instrumental in our food production …………

no $h&t !, hillbillies in flyover country have had known this for some time. After all we’ve worked side by side in the fields with the Hispanic culture for a longtime now , well at least as far as I recall (70’s), actually making friend’s along the way if the enlightened could believe that. Honestly I think the “swells” are just figuring out how their dinner got to the table ………….lol

either way great commercial, I also got a kick out of this one from a couple years back

parusski -> RE: 2013 Super Bowl commercials (2/7/2013 2:00:44 AM)



It’s terrible, we’ve seen “racism, sexism” and the all-around “hater” discounted to almost trivial levels ………btw, I grew up on a farm (corn ‘n soy ) we drive/drove Fords ‘n lived by Harvey’s farm reports. honestly i'm perplexed by this whole realization Hispanics migrant seasonal workers are instrumental in our food production …………

no $h&t !, hillbillies in flyover country have had known this for some time. After all we’ve worked side by side in the fields with the Hispanic culture for a longtime now , well at least as far as I recall (70’s), actually making friend’s along the way if the enlightened could believe that. Honestly I think the “swells” are just figuring out how their dinner got to the table ………….lol

either way great commercial, I also got a kick out of this one from a couple years back

You make a hell of a good point Sarge with the flyover country remark. Most Americans are disdainful of the MSM, polls prove it. We crackers and hillbillies know a lot more than those progressive do gooders. The farmers I have known agree with you, they have worked a long time with Hispanics(granted they would like to be working with legal people...but)!

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