parusski -> RE: 2013 Super Bowl commercials (2/7/2013 2:00:44 AM)
ORIGINAL: Sarge It’s terrible, we’ve seen “racism, sexism” and the all-around “hater” discounted to almost trivial levels ………btw, I grew up on a farm (corn ‘n soy ) we drive/drove Fords ‘n lived by Harvey’s farm reports. honestly i'm perplexed by this whole realization Hispanics migrant seasonal workers are instrumental in our food production ………… no $h&t !, hillbillies in flyover country have had known this for some time. After all we’ve worked side by side in the fields with the Hispanic culture for a longtime now , well at least as far as I recall (70’s), actually making friend’s along the way if the enlightened could believe that. Honestly I think the “swells” are just figuring out how their dinner got to the table ………….lol either way great commercial, I also got a kick out of this one from a couple years back You make a hell of a good point Sarge with the flyover country remark. Most Americans are disdainful of the MSM, polls prove it. We crackers and hillbillies know a lot more than those progressive do gooders. The farmers I have known agree with you, they have worked a long time with Hispanics(granted they would like to be working with legal people...but)!