Can any one help me! (Full Version)

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rodney727 -> Can any one help me! (2/5/2013 1:52:52 AM)

Get my 4th star? Any topic and yes all Iowa jokes are welcome... To be more specific all hawkeye jokes are strongly welcomed.

warspite1 -> RE: Can any one help me! (2/5/2013 6:57:19 AM)

Why yes, yes I can. I recommend you take an active part in the Australian Beauties thread and vote on the great topic du jour. You will be at 2,500 in no time [:)]

ilovestrategy -> RE: Can any one help me! (2/5/2013 7:48:09 AM)

Listen to Warspite. Anyone that mixes crystal meth with pancakes knows all. [&o]

warspite1 -> RE: Can any one help me! (2/5/2013 6:57:29 PM)


ORIGINAL: ilovestrategy

Listen to Warspite. Anyone that mixes crystal meth with pancakes knows all. [&o]

Why thank you ILS - your meth enhanced coffee is waiting for you - on the house..well you will need something to rinse down that Brazilian PB. [:)]

parusski -> RE: Can any one help me! (2/5/2013 7:25:15 PM)


ORIGINAL: rogo727

Get my 4th star? Any topic and yes all Iowa jokes are welcome... To be more specific all hawkeye jokes are strongly welcomed.

First, Iowa is THE joke. Second, I would be careful about doing anything warspite.5 suggests. He is actually Satan on earth...don't tell him I said that though.

warspite1 -> RE: Can any one help me! (2/5/2013 7:27:06 PM)


ORIGINAL: parusski


ORIGINAL: rogo727

Get my 4th star? Any topic and yes all Iowa jokes are welcome... To be more specific all hawkeye jokes are strongly welcomed.

First, Iowa is THE joke. Second, I would be careful about doing anything warspite.5 suggests. He is actually Satan on earth...don't tell him I said that though.

Did you just write warspite.5 dumbass?

parusski -> RE: Can any one help me! (2/5/2013 7:33:28 PM)


ORIGINAL: warspite1


ORIGINAL: parusski


ORIGINAL: rogo727

Get my 4th star? Any topic and yes all Iowa jokes are welcome... To be more specific all hawkeye jokes are strongly welcomed.

First, Iowa is THE joke. Second, I would be careful about doing anything warspite.5 suggests. He is actually Satan on earth...don't tell him I said that though.

Did you just hear me say that I, warspite1, am the biggest dumbass in the history of the universe.

Yeah, we all heard you.

Orm -> RE: Can any one help me! (2/5/2013 7:36:31 PM)


ORIGINAL: rogo727

Get my 4th star? Any topic and yes all Iowa jokes are welcome... To be more specific all hawkeye jokes are strongly welcomed.

Why would anyone make jokes about Iowa? [&:]

parusski -> RE: Can any one help me! (2/5/2013 7:36:57 PM)


ORIGINAL: rogo727

Get my 4th star? Any topic and yes all Iowa jokes are welcome... To be more specific all hawkeye jokes are strongly welcomed.

rogo, I am sorry. warpedspiteful1 hijacks every thread started. Just post insults about him and he will go away.

Chickenboy -> RE: Can any one help me! (2/5/2013 9:07:00 PM)

Us Minnesotans have learned how to joke about Iowa in the presence of Iowans. Very slowly. [:'(]

warspite1 -> RE: Can any one help me! (2/5/2013 9:08:34 PM)




ORIGINAL: rogo727

Get my 4th star? Any topic and yes all Iowa jokes are welcome... To be more specific all hawkeye jokes are strongly welcomed.

Why would anyone make jokes about Iowa? [&:]

Quite right - at least Iowa is not Wyomingsville

rodney727 -> RE: Can any one help me! (2/5/2013 9:28:55 PM)


ORIGINAL: Chickenboy

Us Minnesotans have learned how to joke about Iowa in the presence of Iowans. Very slowly. [:'(]

rodney727 -> RE: Can any one help me! (2/5/2013 9:30:21 PM)

We battle for a bronze pig against another state whom not shall be mentioned......



ORIGINAL: rogo727

Get my 4th star? Any topic and yes all Iowa jokes are welcome... To be more specific all hawkeye jokes are strongly welcomed.

Why would anyone make jokes about Iowa? [&:]

Chickenboy -> RE: Can any one help me! (2/5/2013 9:54:30 PM)

Well, rogo727-being in Iowa (or Minnesota) is not so bad.

At least when it's time to repave the parking lot, we don't turn up random dead kings. WTF? [&:]

rodney727 -> RE: Can any one help me! (2/5/2013 10:09:57 PM)

Well Iowa was first explored by the French does that explain things?

ORIGINAL: Chickenboy

Well, rogo727-being in Iowa (or Minnesota) is not so bad.

At least when it's time to repave the parking lot, we don't turn up random dead kings. WTF? [&:]

parusski -> RE: Can any one help me! (2/5/2013 10:18:08 PM)


ORIGINAL: rogo727

Well Iowa was first explored by the French does that explain things?

ORIGINAL: Chickenboy

Well, rogo727-being in Iowa (or Minnesota) is not so bad.

At least when it's time to repave the parking lot, we don't turn up random dead kings. WTF? [&:]

Yes, the French. Who promptly surrendered Iowa to a band of 3 Indian squaws.

Orm, Iowa is a national embarrassment in the US, sort of like Sweeden is to Europe.

ckammp -> RE: Can any one help me! (2/5/2013 11:46:08 PM)




ORIGINAL: rogo727

Get my 4th star? Any topic and yes all Iowa jokes are welcome... To be more specific all hawkeye jokes are strongly welcomed.

Why would anyone make jokes about Iowa? [&:]

Because Iowans are desperate for attention, any kind of attention...

Seriously, Iowa is a great place to visit - just ask any visiting Big Ten basketball coach [:'(]

rodney727 -> RE: Can any one help me! (2/6/2013 12:03:31 AM)

Yes yes our team has been good and the woman's team is even better.

ORIGINAL: ckammp




ORIGINAL: rogo727

Get my 4th star? Any topic and yes all Iowa jokes are welcome... To be more specific all hawkeye jokes are strongly welcomed.

Why would anyone make jokes about Iowa? [&:]

Because Iowans are desperate for attention, any kind of attention...

Seriously, Iowa is a great place to visit - just ask any visiting Big Ten basketball coach [:'(]

parusski -> RE: Can any one help me! (2/6/2013 12:58:33 AM)


ORIGINAL: rogo727

Yes yes our team has been good and the woman's team is even better.

ORIGINAL: ckammp




ORIGINAL: rogo727

Get my 4th star? Any topic and yes all Iowa jokes are welcome... To be more specific all hawkeye jokes are strongly welcomed.

Why would anyone make jokes about Iowa? [&:]

Because Iowans are desperate for attention, any kind of attention...

Seriously, Iowa is a great place to visit - just ask any visiting Big Ten basketball coach [:'(]

Yeah, I visited once. Doing 90 all the way through. Tried going faster, but those damned tractors kept getting in my way.

warspite1 -> RE: Can any one help me! (2/6/2013 7:05:25 PM)


ORIGINAL: Chickenboy

Well, rogo727-being in Iowa (or Minnesota) is not so bad.

At least when it's time to repave the parking lot, we don't turn up random dead kings. WTF? [&:]

That's because you have no history dear boy.

The car park was on the site of an old friary where it was thought by some that Richard III was buried after his defeat at Bosworth....and they were right [:)]

parusski -> RE: Can any one help me! (2/6/2013 7:28:23 PM)


ORIGINAL: Chickenboy

Well, rogo727-being in Iowa (or Minnesota) is not so bad.

At least when it's time to repave the parking lot, we don't turn up random dead kings. WTF? [&:]

Darn, I missed that fantastic line Chickenheart. Dead kings. FUNNY.

Josh -> RE: Can any one help me! (2/6/2013 8:06:39 PM)


ORIGINAL: rogo727

Get my 4th star? Any topic and yes all Iowa jokes are welcome... To be more specific all hawkeye jokes are strongly welcomed.

Well best thing to do is ... post away, the more off topic the better. This forum has gotten a lot rowdier the last few years what with "most beautiful ships/chicks on the planet" and what not LOL so yeah keep it civilized and boast I mean post away.
Oh, and you have to learn the secret handshake too...

parusski -> RE: Can any one help me! (2/6/2013 8:12:55 PM)




ORIGINAL: rogo727

Get my 4th star? Any topic and yes all Iowa jokes are welcome... To be more specific all hawkeye jokes are strongly welcomed.

Well best thing to do is ... post away, the more off topic the better. This forum has gotten a lot rowdier the last few years what with "most beautiful ships/chicks on the planet" and what not LOL so yeah keep it civilized and boast I mean post away.
Oh, and you have to learn the secret handshake too...

Yeah, I have been here since 2000 and the behavior of some members is just horrible...oh wait, uuuhhh never mind.

The secret handshake can be learned only by traveling to Uttoxeter and meeting Peter and John. Dammit.

Chickenboy -> RE: Can any one help me! (2/6/2013 8:17:51 PM)


ORIGINAL: warspite1
That's because you have no history dear boy.

Of course we do. It's just more recent than yours. Hey-compared to the Aramatheans or some Chinese / Nepalese / Indian / Persian cultures, we (and I mean you too) got nuthin'.


The car park was on the site of an old friary

We got lots of old friarys here. There's an old favorite of mine up the road that has good fish 'n chips too! Lots of burger joints too. Seems a bit of a strange place for burying our royalty, but to each their own, I guess.

reg113 -> RE: Can any one help me! (2/7/2013 7:16:38 PM)

Stars are way over-rated...[:D]

Chickenboy -> RE: Can any one help me! (2/7/2013 8:32:43 PM)


ORIGINAL: reg113

Stars are way over-rated...[:D]

Pfft...says the "Trooper". [:'(]

rodney727 -> RE: Can any one help me! (2/8/2013 6:22:08 AM)

Favorite American civil war battle and why? Mine is Shiloh ... The hornets nest....all seemed lost....reminds me of American will to survive. By god we may get knocked down but we will never be knocked out.

parusski -> RE: Can any one help me! (2/8/2013 4:17:42 PM)


ORIGINAL: rogo727

Favorite American civil war battle and why? Mine is Shiloh ... The hornets nest....all seemed lost....reminds me of American will to survive. By god we may get knocked down but we will never be knocked out.

Shiloh it is. It was the first bloodbath of the US Civil War. It was also a battle the Confederacy could and should have won. Of course with Grant and Sherman having the following conversation, there really was no hope for the South:

Sherman said: "Well, Grant, we've had the devil's own day, haven't we?"
After a puff of his cigar, Grant replied calmly: "Yes. Lick 'em tomorrow, though."

Chickenboy -> RE: Can any one help me! (2/8/2013 4:58:10 PM)

Good God, man-do you still not have your fourth star yet? Hurry up! [;)]

parusski -> RE: Can any one help me! (2/8/2013 5:27:36 PM)


ORIGINAL: Chickenboy

Good God, man-do you still not have your fourth star yet? Hurry up! [;)]

I HAVE 5 stars. But if you are refering to pogorogo I don't think he is really very serious. I am contemplating banishing him.

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