It's almost March and not a single new game! (Full Version)

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Rtwfreak -> It's almost March and not a single new game! (2/12/2013 10:15:33 PM)

Cmon Matrix/Slith let's get with it. What's the status on World in Flames? Is that game in Flames yet or not? [X(] How bout some more information on this Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri and Galactic Civilization killer game "Pandora"? I gotta see dis.

wodin -> RE: It's almost March and not a single new game! (2/12/2013 10:37:12 PM)

Next game due will be Buzz game I think. Flames wont be this year..then again you could be lucky and it be near the end of the year but I doubt it. FPG2 is looking close as is Command Modern naval\air operations.

parusski -> RE: It's almost March and not a single new game! (2/13/2013 12:44:16 AM)


ORIGINAL: Rtwfreak

Cmon Matrix/Slith let's get with it. What's the status on World in Flames? Is that game in Flames yet or not? [X(] How bout some more information on this Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri and Galactic Civilization killer game "Pandora"? I gotta see dis.

It is truly disappointing that Matrix is not churning out two, maybe three games a week. SLAAKERS.

Rtwfreak -> RE: It's almost March and not a single new game! (2/13/2013 1:47:20 AM)


ORIGINAL: parusski


ORIGINAL: Rtwfreak

Cmon Matrix/Slith let's get with it. What's the status on World in Flames? Is that game in Flames yet or not? [X(] How bout some more information on this Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri and Galactic Civilization killer game "Pandora"? I gotta see dis.

It is truly disappointing that Matrix is not churning out two, maybe three games a week. SLAAKERS.

Yes it is! I miss the old days.

n01487477 -> RE: It's almost March and not a single new game! (2/13/2013 2:23:10 AM)



Next game due will be Buzz game I think. Flames wont be this year..then again you could be lucky and it be near the end of the year but I doubt it. FPG2 is looking close as is Command Modern naval\air operations.

I'd add Pandora to that. I signed up for the beta but was denied. I was asked to do Modern Naval/Air, accepted but haven't heard anything...

parusski -> RE: It's almost March and not a single new game! (2/13/2013 2:30:10 AM)


ORIGINAL: Rtwfreak


ORIGINAL: parusski


ORIGINAL: Rtwfreak

Cmon Matrix/Slith let's get with it. What's the status on World in Flames? Is that game in Flames yet or not? [X(] How bout some more information on this Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri and Galactic Civilization killer game "Pandora"? I gotta see dis.

It is truly disappointing that Matrix is not churning out two, maybe three games a week. SLAAKERS.

Yes it is! I miss the old days.

Amen. When I first joined Matrix, back in 2000 I had to walk to school uphill, both ways, in two feet of snow. And I did not even have shoes. And Matrix released 8, sometimes 10 games a week. I think I bought nearly 500 Matrix games my first year alone. Ah, the old days.

nicwb -> RE: It's almost March and not a single new game! (2/13/2013 2:33:32 AM)

Late last year I recall Gil R was forecasting Brother against Brother for the first half of this year

wodin -> RE: It's almost March and not a single new game! (2/13/2013 4:35:22 PM)


ORIGINAL: Rtwfreak


ORIGINAL: parusski


ORIGINAL: Rtwfreak

Cmon Matrix/Slith let's get with it. What's the status on World in Flames? Is that game in Flames yet or not? [X(] How bout some more information on this Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri and Galactic Civilization killer game "Pandora"? I gotta see dis.

It is truly disappointing that Matrix is not churning out two, maybe three games a week. SLAAKERS.

Yes it is! I miss the old days.

Hmmm...I've never known Matrix to release lots of games continually..

parusski -> RE: It's almost March and not a single new game! (2/13/2013 5:30:52 PM)




ORIGINAL: Rtwfreak


ORIGINAL: parusski


ORIGINAL: Rtwfreak

Cmon Matrix/Slith let's get with it. What's the status on World in Flames? Is that game in Flames yet or not? [X(] How bout some more information on this Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri and Galactic Civilization killer game "Pandora"? I gotta see dis.

It is truly disappointing that Matrix is not churning out two, maybe three games a week. SLAAKERS.

Yes it is! I miss the old days.

Hmmm...I've never known Matrix to release lots of games continually..

Oh sure they have, back in the 'good ole days' Matrix released hundreds every year.[8D]

SLAAKMAN -> RE: It's almost March and not a single new game! (2/13/2013 6:27:34 PM)

Who needs "new games" when one has the best games;[:D]




warspite1 -> RE: It's almost March and not a single new game! (2/13/2013 7:00:04 PM)

Agreed - if you have the best - you need look no further



Rtwfreak -> RE: It's almost March and not a single new game! (2/16/2013 2:36:12 PM)

We need a new Steel Panthers remake/update (to 2d or 3d isomectric) so bad it hurts. I wanna see infantry in Steel Panthers look like those in Panzer Command: Osfront and the tanks could look like Panzer Corps only more isometric view. I never have really enjoyed top down or total side view.

ezzler -> RE: It's almost March and not a single new game! (2/16/2013 5:05:41 PM)

so far Omerta and colonial marines are both busts.
That's two hopefuls gone west.

Wait for Buzz, pandora, WIF {Ready next year. which next year has yet to be decided.}

Lützow -> RE: It's almost March and not a single new game! (2/16/2013 9:44:21 PM)


ORIGINAL: parusski

Amen. When I first joined Matrix, back in 2000 I had to walk to school uphill, both ways, in two feet of snow. And I did not even have shoes. And Matrix released 8, sometimes 10 games a week. I think I bought nearly 500 Matrix games my first year alone. Ah, the old days.

Back to Talonsoft times I shaved with a torch every morning and fixed the tie with a pin at my throat. My connection was so slow that I could shake hands with every byte, crawling through the line and it took my like $10,- per minute. Nevertheless I didn't shy away from downloading Campaign Series patches and huge games as Steel Panthers.

warspite1 -> RE: It's almost March and not a single new game! (2/16/2013 9:46:51 PM)




ORIGINAL: parusski

Amen. When I first joined Matrix, back in 2000 I had to walk to school uphill, both ways, in two feet of snow. And I did not even have shoes. And Matrix released 8, sometimes 10 games a week. I think I bought nearly 500 Matrix games my first year alone. Ah, the old days.

Back to Talonsoft times I shaved with a torch every morning and fixed the tie with a pin at my throat. My connection was so slow that I could shake hands with every byte, crawling through the line and it took my like $10,- per minute. Nevertheless I didn't shy away from downloading Campaign Series patches and huge games as Steel Panthers.


How is that possible? [X(]


parusski -> RE: It's almost March and not a single new game! (2/16/2013 9:51:13 PM)


ORIGINAL: warspite1




ORIGINAL: parusski

Amen. When I first joined Matrix, back in 2000 I had to walk to school uphill, both ways, in two feet of snow. And I did not even have shoes. And Matrix released 8, sometimes 10 games a week. I think I bought nearly 500 Matrix games my first year alone. Ah, the old days.

Back to Talonsoft times I shaved with a torch every morning and fixed the tie with a pin at my throat. My connection was so slow that I could shake hands with every byte, crawling through the line and it took my like $10,- per minute. Nevertheless I didn't shy away from downloading Campaign Series patches and huge games as Steel Panthers.


How is that possible? [X(]


LOL, kudo's to both Lutzow and warspite1...though I don't really mean to compliment warspite1.

Just this morning I had to climb a 677 foot tower that my satellite dish is mounted on, during a blizzard, with 199 mph winds and 6" ice shards hitting me, in order to gain an internet connection to see what you goons were ranting about. I fell from the top of the tower, but fortunately broke only my back. Things are rough in Wyoming.

warspite1 -> RE: It's almost March and not a single new game! (2/16/2013 9:54:49 PM)


ORIGINAL: parusski


ORIGINAL: warspite1




ORIGINAL: parusski

Amen. When I first joined Matrix, back in 2000 I had to walk to school uphill, both ways, in two feet of snow. And I did not even have shoes. And Matrix released 8, sometimes 10 games a week. I think I bought nearly 500 Matrix games my first year alone. Ah, the old days.

Back to Talonsoft times I shaved with a torch every morning and fixed the tie with a pin at my throat. My connection was so slow that I could shake hands with every byte, crawling through the line and it took my like $10,- per minute. Nevertheless I didn't shy away from downloading Campaign Series patches and huge games as Steel Panthers.


How is that possible? [X(]


LOL, kudo's to both Lutzow and warspite1...though I don't really mean to compliment warspite1.

Just this morning I had to climb a 677 foot tower that my satellite dish is mounted on, during a blizzard, with 199 mph winds and 6" ice shards hitting me, in order to gain an internet connection to see what you goons were ranting about. I fell from the top of the tower, but fortunately broke only my back. Things are rough in Wyoming.

That's terrible - I hope you didn't land on anything valuable.

parusski -> RE: It's almost March and not a single new game! (2/16/2013 10:01:15 PM)


ORIGINAL: warspite1


ORIGINAL: parusski


ORIGINAL: warspite1




ORIGINAL: parusski

Amen. When I first joined Matrix, back in 2000 I had to walk to school uphill, both ways, in two feet of snow. And I did not even have shoes. And Matrix released 8, sometimes 10 games a week. I think I bought nearly 500 Matrix games my first year alone. Ah, the old days.

Back to Talonsoft times I shaved with a torch every morning and fixed the tie with a pin at my throat. My connection was so slow that I could shake hands with every byte, crawling through the line and it took my like $10,- per minute. Nevertheless I didn't shy away from downloading Campaign Series patches and huge games as Steel Panthers.


How is that possible? [X(]


LOL, kudo's to both Lutzow and warspite1...though I don't really mean to compliment warspite1.

Just this morning I had to climb a 677 foot tower that my satellite dish is mounted on, during a blizzard, with 199 mph winds and 6" ice shards hitting me, in order to gain an internet connection to see what you goons were ranting about. I fell from the top of the tower, but fortunately broke only my back. Things are rough in Wyoming.

That's terrible - I hope you didn't land on anything valuable.

Not at all, I hit your fat head.[:D][:D][:D][:D][:D][:D]

warspite1 -> RE: It's almost March and not a single new game! (2/16/2013 10:07:18 PM)


ORIGINAL: parusski


ORIGINAL: warspite1


ORIGINAL: parusski


ORIGINAL: warspite1




ORIGINAL: parusski

Amen. When I first joined Matrix, back in 2000 I had to walk to school uphill, both ways, in two feet of snow. And I did not even have shoes. And Matrix released 8, sometimes 10 games a week. I think I bought nearly 500 Matrix games my first year alone. Ah, the old days.

Back to Talonsoft times I shaved with a torch every morning and fixed the tie with a pin at my throat. My connection was so slow that I could shake hands with every byte, crawling through the line and it took my like $10,- per minute. Nevertheless I didn't shy away from downloading Campaign Series patches and huge games as Steel Panthers.


How is that possible? [X(]


LOL, kudo's to both Lutzow and warspite1...though I don't really mean to compliment warspite1.

Just this morning I had to climb a 677 foot tower that my satellite dish is mounted on, during a blizzard, with 199 mph winds and 6" ice shards hitting me, in order to gain an internet connection to see what you goons were ranting about. I fell from the top of the tower, but fortunately broke only my back. Things are rough in Wyoming.

That's terrible - I hope you didn't land on anything valuable.

Not at all, I hit your fat head.[:D][:D][:D][:D][:D][:D]

You're telling me - ouch!!!


Chickenboy -> RE: It's almost March and not a single new game! (2/16/2013 10:37:52 PM)


ORIGINAL: parusski

Just this morning I had to climb a 677 foot tower that my satellite dish is mounted on, during a blizzard, with 199 mph winds and 6" ice shards hitting me, in order to gain an internet connection to see what you goons were ranting about. I fell from the top of the tower, but fortunately broke only my back. Things are rough in Wyoming.

Agreed condolences, parusski! Hope your trip to brokeback mountains in Wyoming will let you walk. I can understand being sore after such an eventful day.

KG Erwin -> RE: It's almost March and not a single new game! (2/16/2013 11:07:20 PM)

Honestly, I have no interest in any titles under development. All one has to do is visit the remainder of the forum, and there is a glut of available games. I'm perfectly happy with my present collection, which includes the venerable old SPWaW. I STILL have seen nothing comparable to it. Of course, as many of you well know, that game holds a special place in my gaming heart, since I was a contributor to part of its later development. Honestly, if I wanted a USMC WWII campaign on a tactical scale, there's nothing that compares to it. Believe me, I've looked for a replacement to it.

parusski -> RE: It's almost March and not a single new game! (2/16/2013 11:14:50 PM)


ORIGINAL: warspite1


ORIGINAL: parusski


ORIGINAL: warspite1


ORIGINAL: parusski


ORIGINAL: warspite1




ORIGINAL: parusski

Amen. When I first joined Matrix, back in 2000 I had to walk to school uphill, both ways, in two feet of snow. And I did not even have shoes. And Matrix released 8, sometimes 10 games a week. I think I bought nearly 500 Matrix games my first year alone. Ah, the old days.

Back to Talonsoft times I shaved with a torch every morning and fixed the tie with a pin at my throat. My connection was so slow that I could shake hands with every byte, crawling through the line and it took my like $10,- per minute. Nevertheless I didn't shy away from downloading Campaign Series patches and huge games as Steel Panthers.


How is that possible? [X(]


LOL, kudo's to both Lutzow and warspite1...though I don't really mean to compliment warspite1.

Just this morning I had to climb a 677 foot tower that my satellite dish is mounted on, during a blizzard, with 199 mph winds and 6" ice shards hitting me, in order to gain an internet connection to see what you goons were ranting about. I fell from the top of the tower, but fortunately broke only my back. Things are rough in Wyoming.

That's terrible - I hope you didn't land on anything valuable.

Not at all, I hit your fat head.[:D][:D][:D][:D][:D][:D]

You're telling me - ouch!!!


That's an improvement on your part.


Chickenheart mumbles, with his false teeth falling out:

Agreed condolences, parusski! Hope your trip to brokeback mountains in Wyoming will let you walk. I can understand being sore after such an eventful day.

You have become insufferable due to conversing with warpedspittle1.

parusski -> RE: It's almost March and not a single new game! (2/16/2013 11:16:24 PM)



Honestly, I have no interest in any titles under development. All one has to do is visit the remainder of the forum, and there is a glut of available games. I'm perfectly happy with my present collection, which includes the venerable old SPWaW. I STILL have seen nothing comparable to it. Of course, as many of you well know, that game holds a special place in my gaming heart, since I was a contributor to part of its later development. Honestly, if I wanted a USMC WWII campaign on a tactical scale, there's nothing that compares to it. Believe me, I've looked for a replacement to it.

I would give just about anything, yes, that includes warspite's life, to have an updated SPWaW. And you are correct KG that there is nothing like it. To this day I fire that game up several times a month.

goodwoodrw -> RE: It's almost March and not a single new game! (2/17/2013 12:08:38 AM)

Command: MAN ops is the one I'm hanging out for. I hope it lives up to expectations. Not a fizza like some recent naval sims releases!

Erik Rutins -> RE: It's almost March and not a single new game! (2/17/2013 12:10:42 AM)

Hey guys, we actually have more releases in the works than we have release weeks in the year. When each one is released depends on when it's ready, so sometimes there are gaps or delays, but the goal is always to give you the best possible game.


- Erik

Rtwfreak -> RE: It's almost March and not a single new game! (2/17/2013 1:19:42 PM)


ORIGINAL: Erik Rutins

Hey guys, we actually have more releases in the works than we have release weeks in the year. When each one is released depends on when it's ready, so sometimes there are gaps or delays, but the goal is always to give you the best possible game.


- Erik

Thanks Erik for the update. What about Steel Panthers IV? Oh and what about Panzer Command: West front? And what about Command Ops: Normandy or Africa Korps?

wodin -> RE: It's almost March and not a single new game! (2/17/2013 2:24:43 PM) I presume we may see spates of a couple of games released at the same time then.

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