fentum -> Consolidating the fan base (2/16/2013 5:18:18 PM)
I have purchased the various CoH boardgames over the last few years, plus extra maps, Zun Tsu and the PC game. They mostly languished on the shelf due to the SLIGHTLY different rules sets from ATB1 to SOS then on to the PC. It just niggled me that I had to remember similar but different rules sets. I pulled my self together recently and snapped out of it. With ATB2 on the way, I put in the effort to get to grips with it. Purchased ATB 2 and really enjoy it. I also went back to try the PC game. Previously, I hadn't liked the 3D figures or terrain. I had wished for a 2D version, faithful to the boardgame. Holy cow - new boardgame maps were available! So over the last few weeks I have been enjoying CoH as a face to face boardgame with friends, solo, via Zun Tsu and via the PC game solo and with new friends. It is a great system with strong support both on these boards and on BGG. BUT, I read quite a few complaints about the PC game not working properly and in particular not working as per the boardgame. It got me wondering where the market is for the PC game. How many people play only PC, only board or both? Would the market for the PC game increase or decrease if it was a straight copy of the boardgame, in 2d, but with AI? I don't actually want the funky graphics for SOS. I'd prefer boardgame maps with chits and exact boardgame rules. One major caveat is the OPTION for persistent APs. Now that seems a choice worth keeping in. As an option. From reading the boards, I don't think I'm alone in that view, but I wonder wether I am in a majority or a minority. Bottom line - could Matrix make more money by offering a game much more like the boardgame, or is there a bigger market for the 3D variety? I wonder what SOS will look like!