Enter into the Legends with Slitherine and HISTORY! (Full Version)

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Philkian -> Enter into the Legends with Slitherine and HISTORY! (3/8/2013 3:46:52 PM)

We are proud to announce the release of the long-waited Turn-Based Strategy Game set during World War II, HISTORY® Legends of War.

In the game, the player willassume therole of one of the best and most charismatic generals of World War II, George S. Patton. He will command the Third U.S. Army into historical conflicts from Normandy to Berlin along a Campaign composed of 21 different mission with varying objectives.

HISTORY® Legends of War is available for PC, Xbox 360, PS3 at Retail in North America and across Europe, except Germany where it’ going to be released in April.

You can also download the digital PC version in our store page.

The game features:

· Sequential Story based around historical missions allowing the player to experience real events and to alter the course of history as General Patton

· Unique combination of strategy game mechanics: High-Level Strategic Management and Turn-based Tactics

· RPG elements allow the evolution of units and Patton as the campaign rolls forward

· Sensational graphics

· German and US forces

· 5 difficulty levels

For more information visit the dedicated product page.





wodin -> RE: Enter into the Legends with Slitherine and HISTORY! (3/8/2013 3:59:28 PM)

Looks cool, alot better than Team Assault anyway. Hope it sells well..could be another for Steam?

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