Issues with downloading file. (Full Version)

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Andrew Loveridge -> Issues with downloading file. (3/8/2013 4:15:17 PM)

The installer for this title is very large. We recommend using a free Download Manager to download this title. Two good choices are Download Accelerator Plus ( and Interned Download Manager ( Simply download and install one of these before starting your game download.

ObiRynDenobi -> RE: Issues with downloading file. (6/29/2020 10:30:11 PM)

I am having the worst time trying to download this enormous file in one and only one massive chunk without download resuming. I've lost count of how many times I've had to start all over again and again because my connection or something hiccups after a day or day and a half of downloading over half this beast only to have to start all over again.

I could have had it and been off the server six or seven times by now if it came in pieces, like a 'rar' file, or download resuming were allowed. I've been at it over a month now and don't know if I'm EVER going to succeed!

Can anything be done?

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