Feinder -> (12/30/2002 12:58:38 PM)
The short of what happens is that 1. UV compresses (zips) the saved game automatically. 2. You send something to Hotmail, and it sits on their server waiting to get picked up the recipiet. 3. As you send it to the server, Hotmail automatically compresses (zips) your file to save room. There are obviously ALOt of people sending/storing ALOT of files on Hotmail, so imagine the space required to save all thos JPGs, WAV, and UVS files. So like I said, I'm betting heavily that they compress the files while they're stored on their server. 4. When you go to get the file from Hotmail, it's uncompressed and sent down to you. 5. UV then umpresses it again when it goes to load it. The wrinkle is that, the way a compression routine works is that it looks for groups of data that look alike, and stores them "symbolically" by a group of data of shorter length, and then makes a "key" that says this 'short verion" of data actually represents this much longer version. When it unzips the compressed file, it compares the "key" the short data parts and expands them into the full length. But when you compress something several times, you heavily increase the odds that one of those shorter data pieces is interpreted wrong. And it only takes 1 byte to be interpreted wrong (like maybe the unzip thinks it's actually an "end of file" marker instead of useful data), and your file is dead. And that's the quick and dirty on how compression (zipping) routines work, and why Hotmail is bad for UV. We're not seeing a problem a problem with the CONTENT using Outlook Express, but we are having the problem that random seed for the Combat Replay is different. -F-