DauntlessK -> Warhammer 40k Battlefleet Gothic Revisited (3/15/2013 6:24:49 AM)
Hi... I'm pretty new to DW and as a longtime 40k and battlefleet gothic fan, I had to pick up where another modder left off a while ago. I noticed there was a mod for it but it got abandoned so I decided to work on it. First though, this isn't meant to be a 40k overhaul. At least that isn't my plan for now... (what I'd like to do and what I can do are two different things.) The 40k universe doesn't mix well with a 4x game... because obviuosly there is just conquer. So I'm really only adding the races and shipsets, because I love the ships of the 40k universe more than any other naval sci fi ships out there. This includes making very minor changes to the races and race behavior. But obviously if I did it true to 40k, every race would be very hostile, not trustworthy, etc. So I'm trying to keep the races very different yet still have some 40k flavor. I plan also to make creatures or something Necrons and Dark Eldar raiders as neither race really has a full enough ship set to really create an empire, and their actual 40k races are mroe so raiders than full empires anyway. Let me know what you think. If some people are interested I'll release it for everyone. Currently though I've only finished the Imperial ships and about halfway through Eldar and Chaos ships. Below are "links" to screens to show you how it looks so far. Unfortunetly I can't post them in here because I am still a newbie to the site. (Learned this the hard way, as it told me I couldn't post links AFTER i tried to post it, and then proceeded to delete my entire post, so I had to type this all over again. PICTURES: [image]http://imageshack.us/a/img138/2015/screen3ea.png[/image] [image]http://imageshack.us/a/img24/32/screen1fy.png[/image]