How Did You Learn to Play the Game? (Full Version)

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kentcol -> How Did You Learn to Play the Game? (3/25/2013 8:03:56 AM)

Just curious. And how long did it take you?

JocMeister -> RE: How Did You Learn to Play the Game? (3/25/2013 8:17:51 AM)

I´ve played vs the AI for some 7 years or so (including WITP) and have two PBEM ongoing right now. One in 4/44 and one in 5/42. I´m still learning! [:)]

I started by playing the smaller scenarios vs the AI. Then switched to the GC and did a gazillion restarts never getting further then early 43. And in the end it didn´t matter as playing PBEM is a completely new game anyway. I should have started PBEM 4 years ago! [:)]

Chris21wen -> RE: How Did You Learn to Play the Game? (3/25/2013 8:47:58 AM)


ORIGINAL: kentcol

Just curious. And how long did it take you?

By error, los of them[:D]

comsolut -> RE: How Did You Learn to Play the Game? (3/25/2013 12:00:17 PM)

Started with Uncommon Valor.

catwhoorg -> RE: How Did You Learn to Play the Game? (3/25/2013 12:07:12 PM)

Read the manual

Played a short scenario.

Then leapt into a campaign versus the AI.

Ran into some issues with the learning cliff at times, but asked for help here as needed.

obvert -> RE: How Did You Learn to Play the Game? (3/25/2013 1:06:57 PM)

I use the manual for reference only. It's a bit out of date but has much good stuff there still, it's just that t is like any manual, comprehensive in scope. You have to learn step by step and the best way is just to read some of the newbie threads and intros to different parts of the game on the forum AS you play a game. Use a scenario like Guadalcanal which has all of the basic elements.

Then when you have a question make a thread, as you have here, and you if you provide good info on the situation you will get a lot of responses.

It's very fun, and it takes a while to get it going, then a MUCH longer while to feel somewhat competent. I started in WITP and only really began learning more when I joined the forum a few years ago after getting AE and asked a lot of silly questions. This game is humbling, but is also addictive and downright spine tingling at times. [;)]

Bullwinkle58 -> RE: How Did You Learn to Play the Game? (3/25/2013 1:18:12 PM)


ORIGINAL: kentcol

Just curious. And how long did it take you?

I only got WITP in September 2005, so I don't know how to play yet. I hope someday . . .

LST Express -> RE: How Did You Learn to Play the Game? (3/25/2013 2:10:56 PM)

Same here, got WITP in 2005, read the manual then jumped into the campaign game vs the AI. Have never looked back since, I still don't know what the hell I'm doing but I've never let that stop me. [:D]

AW1Steve -> RE: How Did You Learn to Play the Game? (3/25/2013 2:23:52 PM)

Although I'd played WPO and WITP Vanilla , when WITP AE came out , I decided I wanted to eventually master this game (I'm still a long way from it yet!). So I came up with a plan. 1st, starting with Coral Sea I played the AI from the allied side. Then I played from the Japanese side. I did this with all of the scenario's but the GC's. I played each of those, from both sides , no more than 4 months. At that point I find the AI begins to break down.

Then I started playing against more experinced players in all the shorter scenarios. Again , from both sides. And then , with the help of some extremely kind , more experinced players, I began a series of "mirror games" , where I'd play 2 games simultaneously against a more experinced player , one as the allies and one as the Japanese. (BOY THAT OPENS YOUR EYES!).[:D]

The next phase , that I started a year ago, is to find tough experinced players who would let me get my fanny kicked by them as the allies in the grand campaign. I've begged and cajouled the best players I can to whip,beat and abuse my sorry butt. As the old saying goes , "you learn more from your mistakes than from your successes!". I'm well on my way to my PHD by that standard![:D] This is where I am now.

I'm currently playing an extremely agressive and talented player (Chickenboy) as the "victim" (aka ALLIES) in a scenario 2 PBEM. When I'm not contemplating suicide , I'm learning a very great deal.[:D] Once I feel that I have a handle on playing the allies in the GC , then I'll work on playing the Japanese. [:(] And learn the archane science of "Factory manager in the Pacific", AKA Japanese production. I've heard this is virtually a totally new game, and I belive it![X(]

In between all this, I've tried to mentor "newbies" , again relying on another old saying , "if you want to learn a subject well, teach it". And I've also particpated in 2x2's (and am currently playing in one teamed with my old teammate Onime , against the Legendary Dixie , and my original mentor Sprior
. Once again, I'm learning at the hands of the masters!).

My recommendations to any newbie that is serious are 1)seek out mentors. Learn from them. 2)Play every aspect of the game. Play EVERY scenario. Each is different, and each helps you discover another aspect of the game. Don't neglect any , with the intention of playing a "more fun" one. ALL are important, all will teach you. 3) and the most important of all, ALWAYS CHALLENGE yourself! If you reach "intermediate status" (where I consider myself to be now) seak out and beg the "Grand masters" to play against you. If you are fortunate enough to have one help you, CHERISH it and appreciate it! Each time one trashes your fleet , mauls your air forces and stampededs your troops, you learn. And puts you one step closer to truly understanding this incredible game. [:)]

Best of luck to you and anyone else starting out. And if there is ever anything I can do to help, I'm just a PM or an email away. [:)]

LeeChard -> RE: How Did You Learn to Play the Game? (3/25/2013 2:25:40 PM)

Started with UV. bought WitP and AE both within days of release.
Hate to tell you this but I'm still learning.
But Joni Mitchell says 'Life is for learning' so jump in, the discovery of details is half the fun.

Cpt Sherwood -> RE: How Did You Learn to Play the Game? (3/25/2013 2:35:41 PM)

Lots and lots of mistakes. I am still learning the game.

nashvillen -> RE: How Did You Learn to Play the Game? (3/25/2013 3:01:17 PM)

I started in 1992 when I bought Pacific War. Hours and hours pouring through the manual digesting formulas and figuring out the best way to do each task needed. I then graduated to War in the Pacific in 2005 after seeing it at the Matrix booth at Origins that year. Again, hours and hours learning this game. Then, in 2009 or 2010, rjopel showed me War in the Pacific: Admiral's Edition. I was truly lost then...

There are many more players who are much better than I, but I am learning new things every day. rjopel wanted to have an opponent and we both were playing the Allies agains the AI. I took the plunge into Japan and the economic richness of the game engine. Never looked back. rjopel and I are about to start a DBB game with stacking limits as our current campaign is running down with just over a year left. This will be my fourth PBEM game. My first one lasted just over a year and I totally wrecked the Japanese economy which came crashing down around me when I realized you really do need to bring resources to the home islands!

Anyways, long story short, you will always be learning with this game. That is part of the fun of it. Also, have fun with it, there is a lot to explore and multiple levels of enjoyment.

Mundy -> RE: How Did You Learn to Play the Game? (3/25/2013 3:11:28 PM)

I found War Plan Orange to be a great place to learn the basics before plunging into the campaign game back in WITP.  Lot less "density" of units, and it let me get familiar with the map.


rjopel -> RE: How Did You Learn to Play the Game? (3/25/2013 3:14:01 PM)

Started with PacWar, then the Matrix Edition of PacWar. Then Uncommon Valor. Got War in the Pacific while I was in Iraq the first time. All games against the AI. Picked up WITP:AE and convinced Nashvilian to do a PBEM. We did the first one which lasted about a year before we dicided we needed a restart. Currently in Jan or Feb 45 with that game and starting prep for a DBB game with stacking limits that will start when I invade Japan in our regular game or he finishes planning his first turns. I lalso have a DBB game going that in Mid 43.

Still learning.

shall9 -> RE: How Did You Learn to Play the Game? (3/25/2013 3:49:26 PM)

I had a friend who was a play tester for UV, I helped him test it and have been working my way up since. I only play against AI as I don't have the time or schedule to commit to a PBEM game. Or the mentality. I try not to game the system and give historical reality its' due. Such as game wise it makes sense to evacuate Singapore and it's okay to let the Japanese land in North Australia, but in real life, either one was political suicide.

tocaff -> RE: How Did You Learn to Play the Game? (3/25/2013 3:53:21 PM)

I played UV for a long time vs the AI before I got into PBEM. I finally migrated to WITP, where I'm still involved with PBEM, I'm involved with a multi player WPO PBEM and I'm vs the AI with AE now. I don't claim to know that I know what I'm doing yet, but maybe someday.

pmelheck1 -> RE: How Did You Learn to Play the Game? (3/25/2013 3:58:22 PM)

Played Pacwar from day of release, Matrix Pacwar from release, UV, WITP from release, AE from release and WPO. Also still learning new things and always have the manual near by for reference. I remember downloading WITP on a dial up connection and waiting a day and a half for the download to complete with a download manager. I had two copies of pacwar at one time, one the original and the other that was part of a set that included the original War in Russia. I've always had a thing for the pacific conflict. Started out with the old SPI War in the Pacific I also bought when it was released. Also did some of the old squad leader with Japanese rule set. Always just jumped in the the Grand Campaign with restarts to learn the mechanics and tactics and strategies. Funny thing is I've been married to a very wonderful woman for a long time who puts up with my major nerdness.

jeffk3510 -> RE: How Did You Learn to Play the Game? (3/25/2013 4:30:38 PM)

Started six years ago maybeish...with WiTP...just played numerous small scenarios and restarted GC often as Allies. Just play play play and you pick up so much...just like anything else in life I guess. Baptism by fire is the best teach after you've prepared yourself IMO. -> RE: How Did You Learn to Play the Game? (3/25/2013 4:40:05 PM)

Been playing the versions since 2004- but highly recommend playing PBEM games of AE as soon as possible. Try the smaller scenarios. Don't be upset if you get demolished at first. Watch the tricks other players use. Reading up on the War Room can tell you quite a bit. The AAR's are helpful but more for strategy than for learning how to set up orders and tactics.
And learn how to use Patrol/Retire :)

sanch -> RE: How Did You Learn to Play the Game? (3/25/2013 5:15:51 PM)

Started with WITP. Being masochistic, I jumped in as Allies vs. the AI. After 2 or 3 restarts, I got to Jan-43, where the AI was starting to break down. So I switched sides, and got an instant crash course in Japanese production. The forum was extremely helpful here as I was clueless why nothing was getting produced.

Then when AE came out, did the same thing, except I never got past spring of '42. Then I spotted someone looking for a replacement Allied player, and volunteered. This is most interesting, as we're now in Oct 42, and I've never been here in AE before. So I'm learning the Allied side as well as all the stuff you need to do to survive in PBEM. All told, very interesting.

John 3rd -> RE: How Did You Learn to Play the Game? (3/25/2013 5:20:47 PM)

Started with Uncommon Valor and had Moses teach me--through trial and error--WitP.

Chickenboy -> RE: How Did You Learn to Play the Game? (3/25/2013 6:24:02 PM)

Stumbled across UV many moons ago and enjoyed that. Got WiTP and WiTP:AE within a few days of their release. Played the heck out of WiTP, but only against the AI. Took my first plunge into WiTP:AE PBEM on a few small scenarios and had very helpful mentors (AW1Steve) to help the transition. In about a year, I decided to take the plunge and started a CG PBEM as the Japanese. That game ended quickly, with my first Allied opponent disappearing within the first three months of the war. A second PBEM lasted longer, with good gameplay continuing into September 1943. Then he disappeared.

I've restarted with an rock-solid opponent (AW1Steve) recently, and we've advanced to April 1942. The game is as fun as it ever was and I'm as hooked as I was 10 years ago, playing UV.

How did I learn how to play? A track record with the other two platforms helped (UV and WiTP) substantially. Then, reading the manual a couple of times. Play against the AI was next. Then a couple small scenarios by PBEM. Then launching into the CG PBEMs. Lastly, the forum is a great place to read others' AARs and post questions / ideas for comment.

AW1Steve is right about the mirror campaign REALLY teaching both sides of the coin effectively. That's a great way to get a feel for both OOB, strengths and limitations of each side in a very efficient manner.

CaptDave -> RE: How Did You Learn to Play the Game? (3/25/2013 8:14:29 PM)

I got interested in the concept through the original board game (whichever title was the Victory Games edition thereof). Downloaded the free version of Pacific War when I discovered it, then bought WitP when I heard about it (several months after release, but within the first year). Looked at the tutorial, but was disappointed that it didn't include any submarines, my greatest interest. Jumped into the campaign game against the AI, years later started a PBEM playing Japan (first experience with that).

Naturally, a month into the game (game time) AE came out, so we abandoned the game with the intention of restarting, then my opponent didn't buy AE for a loooooong time (willing to try again, Tom?). Eventually started another PBEM, this time playing as Allies, but that one went away when my opponent's work schedule dictated he be unavailable for many weeks (willing to try again, Gene?).

Have never played any of the other scenarios, but do like Da Big Babes.

As with the others, still learning how to play. It's like the box says on the commercial version of "Go" -- "minutes to learn, a lifetime to master!" You can be up to speed on mechanics -- most of them, anyway -- in a short time. The rest of it demonstrates why we leave real war to the professionals!

CV 2 -> RE: How Did You Learn to Play the Game? (3/25/2013 9:08:45 PM)

Born with the knowledge. Any perceived mistakes on my part are either a ploy by me trying to lure my opponent into making a bigger mistake, or outright intentional "mistake" trying to make someone feel better so they wont go away mad.

topeverest -> RE: How Did You Learn to Play the Game? (3/25/2013 10:52:12 PM)

By getting whipped in PBEM back in 07. is there any other way? The beauty of it is those whippings still happen, hopefully a bit less than in the past!

Canoerebel -> RE: How Did You Learn to Play the Game? (3/25/2013 10:59:21 PM)

(topeverest, good to see you posting again; seemed like you were scarce for quite some time)

Like many folks, I picked up UV and learned it and its successors, mainly by trial and error.

It seems like many of the folks here read the manual.  I'm one of those who don't.  I've looked at it a time or two, but mainly I just play by the seat of my pants.  I think it shows.

But after nearly 10 years playing this system, I finally feel mostly competent...but I'm still learning new stuff nearly every day.  So, this game is truly easy to learn, long to master.  Unless you're Nemo or Alfred or a few other prodigies.

crsutton -> RE: How Did You Learn to Play the Game? (3/26/2013 12:04:11 AM)

The old fashioned way. When I turned 18 my pappy took me downtown and spent $100 bucks and hired me a nice older hooker. Who then showed me all the ropes. Been playing ever since.....

Emmor -> RE: How Did You Learn to Play the Game? (3/26/2013 12:05:16 AM)

I will let you know once I have learned it! I got it last summer, read the manual and jumped right in with the Scen 1 as Allies against AI. Wanted to figure out the basics before taking on the Japan economy. First game I played at too high of difficulty and didn't know anything, so I got soundly trounced before the end of Jan 41! Restarted on a simpler level and playing more carefully now. I picked up a lot on details of game play from the questions in the forums and the answers. I felt good that over half the questions, I already knew the answer to. Now I am trying to learn nuances of strategy within the scope of the game. Hard vs the AI, but I am finding AARs very enlightening. I have played war games and studied military strategy for at least 3 decades, but still learn a lot. I know there is a lot left to be learned on this game. Best $'s I have ever spent. Maybe someday, I will be bold enough to tackle a PBEM.

CV 2 -> RE: How Did You Learn to Play the Game? (3/26/2013 3:15:54 AM)


ORIGINAL: crsutton

The old fashioned way. When I turned 18 my pappy took me downtown and spent $100 bucks and hired me a nice older hooker. Who then showed me all the ropes. Been playing ever since.....

Must have been "Linda" ...

DivePac88 -> RE: How Did You Learn to Play the Game? (3/26/2013 3:45:06 AM)

I found WitP in the DVD section of a department store in Dunedin NZ around 2004, and thought it was old war footage of the Pacific war. You can imagine my surprise when I loaded it onto my old PC, and found the colossal gem I had. So from then till 2007 I learned to play the game by myself against the AI, starting with the smaller scenarios first. Then building up to the campaign game, after a couple of years.

In 2007 we got internet access up here in the mountains, and I found the matrix site. I lurked till 2008 when I started Pbem in CHS. I bought AE the week it came out, and started a Pbem game almost immediately. I've got 3 Pbem games as Japan into 1944, with one of them going well into 1945. I now play as a dedicated Allied player, and have just started another grand-campaign. plus a Guadalcanal scenario.

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