Worlds of game similar to Master of Magic on KS (Full Version)

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wodin -> Worlds of game similar to Master of Magic on KS (4/2/2013 11:19:20 PM)

OK someone we know quite well Doomtrader from Wasteland Interactive has just started up a kickstarter for his new game based on Master of Magic.

Worlds of Magic

Terminus -> RE: Master of game on KS (4/2/2013 11:21:32 PM)

That's quite the misleading headline you have there...

wodin -> RE: Master of game on KS (4/2/2013 11:29:33 PM)

Sorry mate will change it..didn't really give it much thought.

Kraut -> RE: Master of game on KS (4/3/2013 9:36:47 AM)

I checked their website, so far they only have posted screens of the tactical battles, not the world map.

I want to see more than that before I can become excited.

wodin -> RE: Master of game on KS (4/3/2013 9:37:49 AM)

I think a video gets put up this week. I did mention to les a video is needed. Only £9 for the game though.

Kraut -> RE: Master of game on KS (4/3/2013 9:51:17 AM)

I'll watch the video this evening.

wodin -> RE: Master of game on KS (4/3/2013 10:00:57 AM)

Not tonight..well I don't think so I said this week.

hadberz -> RE: Master of game on KS (4/3/2013 4:00:53 PM)

Looks good, I'll support it. :)

Kraut -> RE: Master of game on KS (4/3/2013 5:02:28 PM)

Well there is a video, maybe not the one you meant.

wodin -> RE: Master of game on KS (4/3/2013 5:59:29 PM)

Right yeah the gameplay video will be this week so Les told me. I really think it was abit of a mistake not having a gameplay vid on the day of that these days no gameplay vid your not going to do well. Hopefully they wont be too long putting one up though.

doomtrader -> RE: Master of game on KS (4/6/2013 2:57:10 AM)

The gameplay video should be ready middle next week.

Rtwfreak -> RE: Master of game on KS (4/7/2013 4:16:03 AM)

If it's like MOM and not something abstract and called the spiritual successor of MOM I'm in also. I just want an update of MOM you know improved graphics, improved AI performance but the same ole fun that MOM brang that nothing since has.

silkroadgame -> RE: Master of game on KS (4/7/2013 11:18:36 AM)

Still have interest in trying this game,similar to Master of Magic,not bad,isn't it?

doomtrader -> RE: Master of game on KS (4/8/2013 11:26:05 PM)

Rtwfreak, please follow our updates, we will try to cover there most important aspects of the game.
Also please visit our forum, so you can read a lot about the game.

In the mantime, few words from RPS

doomtrader -> RE: Master of game on KS (4/11/2013 8:57:21 PM)

Today we have posted first screenshots for the world map



This is still prealpha, but I think it is worth to look.

Also here is the screenshot from battleboard with the combat log turned on. You can see all the rolls and hits, etc there.


Josh -> RE: Master of game on KS (4/11/2013 9:19:56 PM)

Well so far it's looking pretty nice. [&o]
When and if a Beta AAR is written... will it be posted here too?

doomtrader -> RE: Master of game on KS (4/11/2013 9:56:11 PM)

thanks, we want do do a good job on thi project.
It is still some way before us, but we are planning to present some gameplay video as soon as possible.

Anguille -> RE: Master of game on KS (4/11/2013 10:03:40 PM)

The world map looks great!

catwhoorg -> RE: Master of game on KS (4/12/2013 12:31:09 PM)

I threw some cash into the kickstarter.

I'm a sucker for crowd sourcing efforts.

doomtrader -> RE: Master of game on KS (4/12/2013 9:22:17 PM)

And there is a video, if you would like to see.

Rtwfreak -> RE: Master of game on KS (4/13/2013 12:37:05 AM)

I like it so far. But it all comes down to how well the ai plays that will make all the difference in purchasing.

doomtrader -> Master of Magic characters designer now works on Worlds of Magic (4/16/2013 7:57:29 AM)

Hi All,

I would like to let you know that a Master of Magic and Master of Orion characters designer will be now working with Worlds of Magic. Among other duties, he will be responsible for creating all the game characters.
This means that the artbook will be full of his works, also if you would like to become one of the heroes in the game he is the one who will draw them.

More info here:

wodin -> RE: Master of Magic characters designer now works on Worlds of Magic (4/16/2013 8:09:46 AM)

Doomtrader..the biggest issue I see with old MoM fans is the fact your trying to "balance" the game and many say he beauty of MoM was it wasn't balanced.I think this is a big mistake to be hones if your trying to capture the MoM gameplay.

doomtrader -> RE: Master of Magic characters designer now works on Worlds of Magic (4/16/2013 1:11:44 PM)

About the balance issue.
I will just quote designer:


Alright to address the issue of balance: Some people seem to think that balance and “flavor” are opposites. (What I mean by “flavor” is the feel, the charm, the things that make a game interesting.) This is absolutely not the case. Something can be well balanced and still very flavorful.

Now, a very accurate way to create balance is to create equality. Take chess as the example. All the pieces have the same powers and both sides have the same pieces. The game is both equal and balanced. Still, unless you're a chess fan it's not very flavorful... “You want to play white or black?!?!?!” “Whichever....”

That is NOT what we intend to have in Worlds of Magic. We want to achieve a statistical balance between factions with serious (in some cases massive) differences. We want you to argue with your friends about which race is the best. We also want it to be like “Could Spiderman beat up The Hulk?” (I am not trying to start a fight here guys, Spiderman and The Hulk are both fine superheroes. Please treat the question as rhetorical.) The point is that both of them are powerful and (for the sake of argument) equal, but very, very different. That's how we want the races to be in Worlds of Magic. Which is better, the Elves or the Dwarves? Well, that depends on how you play and what you like. For some people (I should say some strategies) Elves will be better for others Dwarves.

What we mean when we say we want balance is that we DO NOT want a clear and obvious “Best Faction In The Game”. In our mind that actually takes away from the flavor. You should be able to choose a race just because you like them without having to crunch numbers and figure out that you have a 2.378% better chance to win if you play undead.

We are not trying to balance two ten pound weights on a scale. That's boring! We are trying to balance an Elephant and a Japanese Baseball team! Not that's excitement!!

That's what we mean when we talk about balance. Still, if you don't like that then use the faction editor and make a best race and then conquer the universe with it like it was Superman (Who, BTW, could beat up both Spiderman and The Hulk. So, there!) Options are even more important to us than balance. You want to make the “ultimate faction” and take over the world? Knock yourself out. We just feel it's a little more rewarding when you win on even ground.

doomtrader -> New concept arts (4/20/2013 10:33:43 PM)


The Worlds of Magic is moving forward, and at the beginning of the next week we should have some new nice images of the world map.

Now just some concept and a developers video about the evolution of the battleboard.

Here you can read more about the progress and ideas:

I’m hoping that you will help us bringing the old good times of PC gaming back.

wodin -> RE: New concept arts (4/20/2013 10:56:25 PM)

Not sure people want a best race like superman..they prob want it where you never know whats going to could have it easy for awhile then wham ..or it could a a slog..then easy..then a slog..lots of ups and downs and NOT predictable thats the unbalance people are asking for...the current design you will always know that so and so is great at this and so and so at that so if they always do this they should be OK etc..where really they want it to always feel a journey into the unknown..maybe you come across a super rare item that throws balance out the window for abit..or the enemy does then you find one finally to counter it..but that may not happen at all..rather than always trying to make sure there is a balance at all times.

The developer kind of missed the point I think in what people want when they say they aren't keen on balance.

doomtrader -> RE: New concept arts (4/24/2013 10:27:04 AM)

This is still pre-alpha, but I'm sure you are able to see which direction we are following with.

Hope you like what you see and will tell your friends about the game.






wodin -> RE: New concept arts (4/24/2013 12:05:40 PM)

WOW your so close to being funded!! great news. I'm sure this is going to deliver and your ideas for future content sound fantastic. I also hope this becomes a huge success for you deserve it.

Then you can move onto that "ultimate tactical wargame" (and the other ideas we had);)

doomtrader -> RE: New concept arts (4/24/2013 2:20:22 PM)

OK guys

We did it!



wodin -> RE: New concept arts (4/24/2013 9:34:10 PM)

Well done mate..really happy for you.

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