CapnDarwin -> RE: Question on the editor and maps for FPG2 (4/3/2013 2:10:27 PM)
I guess to be more informative here is a quick breakdown of game object and current edit methods. Data - tabbed Excel spreadsheets - covers weapons, platforms, formations, and national values /magic numbers. Map - Hexdraw (3rd party software) FPC:RS templates and artwork, paint software to crop and size map image. Map Values - in game editor for placing the various map values the game requires. Scenario Editor - in game editor for making or modifying scenarios. Also with a 3rd party paint program map markers, unit silhouettes, badges, and other graphics items can be modded. Sounds can be modded or added in some cases. There are other things as well. We will be more detailed once we move to a new forum. Thanks.