Question on the editor and maps for FPG2 (Full Version)

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CarnageINC -> Question on the editor and maps for FPG2 (4/3/2013 1:02:33 PM)

I have gathered that the new game is really going to be modder friendly by the mention of the editor being able to create and change units and values and such. Is there going to be a way to make maps for the game? How many maps are generic to the new game being made. Can existing maps be moddified too?

CapnDarwin -> RE: Question on the editor and maps for FPG2 (4/3/2013 2:10:27 PM)

I guess to be more informative here is a quick breakdown of game object and current edit methods.

Data - tabbed Excel spreadsheets - covers weapons, platforms, formations, and national values /magic numbers.
Map - Hexdraw (3rd party software) FPC:RS templates and artwork, paint software to crop and size map image.
Map Values - in game editor for placing the various map values the game requires.
Scenario Editor - in game editor for making or modifying scenarios.

Also with a 3rd party paint program map markers, unit silhouettes, badges, and other graphics items can be modded.
Sounds can be modded or added in some cases.

There are other things as well. We will be more detailed once we move to a new forum.


CapnDarwin -> RE: Question on the editor and maps for FPG2 (4/3/2013 2:13:44 PM)

Maps - over 25 I believe at this time. Values on these "official" maps can be modified and then saved to a new name.

Edit for map count. MR has been busy! [&o]

CarnageINC -> RE: Question on the editor and maps for FPG2 (4/3/2013 6:21:27 PM)

Cool, thanks for the info Capn [;)]

Mad Russian -> RE: Question on the editor and maps for FPG2 (4/4/2013 5:00:11 AM)

At this moment there are 30 different maps available for the game.

Good Hunting.


CarnageINC -> RE: Question on the editor and maps for FPG2 (4/6/2013 4:00:53 AM)

30 maps is really good, it shows some variety at least [;)]

CapnDarwin -> RE: Question on the editor and maps for FPG2 (4/6/2013 4:45:12 PM)

Much bigger than the 4 maps in FPG. [:D]

Hexagon -> RE: Question on the editor and maps for FPG2 (4/11/2013 4:27:00 PM)

Ummm talking about modding... you are going to have the option to have it in separate folders and use them (i think for example in World of tanks that load the file in mod folder or some mods for other games that ask when you load the game if you want use moded version or not) or you need do the classic 2nd installation or copy paste files with a stock folder if you want return to stock version???


PD: i know about the external programs to load mods like JSGME but i am interested in know this.

CapnDarwin -> RE: Question on the editor and maps for FPG2 (4/11/2013 9:59:49 PM)


Great question! We are in the process of moving a ton of files around in order to support 1). Official expansions of Red Storm, 2). User Generated content, and 3). Entire new settings/time periods (a module in our current engine speak). The idea is to have folders for both official files and user stuff. We want folks to have the ability to easily find items and place items when making mods. We will talk more on this subject later I'm sure once we get close to release and just after.

Hexagon -> RE: Question on the editor and maps for FPG2 (4/14/2013 8:15:13 PM)

Thanks for the reply.

Yep, is something that interest me, are externall tools to control the use of mods but an ingame support maybe is better, i think now in the Graviteam Tactics (AKA Achtung Panzer).

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