uncivil_servant -> Air Unit - Ready Planes # in grey? (4/7/2013 7:39:26 PM)
Standard game - allies - Jan 2, 1942. I have a weird situation where looking at air units at a base, I have units where their number of planes under the "ready" column is in grey. Not a situation where they have upgraded, or misreading planes in columns. Example: VMO-251 in Los Angeles. I have five air units here but VMO-251 is showing "8" in grey in the listing. clicking on the unit I see I have 8 serviceable planes, none down for maintenance. Clicking on yellow PLANES in bottom of unit screen I see all eight are in ready status with none in repair, none in delay, etc. I have numerous units around the board that show grey ready numbers but otherwise appear "OK". Does the grey in number of ready planes ean they aren't running missions/somethign else? Example: Rangoon - three squadrons - all show their ready planes in grey. Clicking on one I see they have 25 planes ready, 2 down for maint. But on the screen where the list of squadrons their Rdy/NRdy numbers are grey - all other data is white. Batavia - 10 units - 1 of the 10 is showing their ready planes in grey.