Lady Thatcher (Full Version)

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parusski -> Lady Thatcher (4/8/2013 5:42:57 PM)

Thank GOD she was a western ally. Shocking that some would not want her to be honored.

t001001001 -> RE: Lady Thatcher (4/8/2013 5:58:48 PM)

God bless Lady Thatcher.

I recall an argument she was in, more 'tax the rich' crap, she put her hands high and said, 'now we're here.' then she lowered both her hands and said: "you'd have us here.". She was right about that, and she was a brilliant leader. Ppl like her are needed more now than ever. She is sorely missed. When ppl like her pass away it leaves a void.

I loved Reagan too, so I might be a fanboi. I'd clone them if I could and keep them in power of our mighty nations indefinitely.

PipFromSlitherine -> RE: Lady Thatcher (4/8/2013 6:29:38 PM)

Erik's already locked one thread about her death. I would imagine the same fate will befall this one [:)]. She's just too polarising for rational debate.



SLAAKMAN -> RE: Lady Thatcher (4/8/2013 6:39:13 PM)

(She was only another pawn of the Illuminati. How polarizing could that possibly be)?

catwhoorg -> RE: Lady Thatcher (4/8/2013 6:47:56 PM)


ORIGINAL: PipFromSlitherine

Erik's already locked one thread about her death. I would imagine the same fate will befall this one [:)]. She's just too polarising for rational debate.



That's true. I cannot think of a more polarising British figure in my lifetime.

rodney727 -> RE: Lady Thatcher (4/8/2013 6:52:41 PM)

As an American I always liked lady Thatcher. Growing up a Cold War kid during the Reagan era she was very important and historical person. This is sad news.

Josh -> RE: Lady Thatcher (4/8/2013 7:05:45 PM)

Like mr Rutins already stated; glad she was on *our* side.

Rest in Peace.

t001001001 -> RE: Lady Thatcher (4/8/2013 7:39:02 PM)

Look how the EU has run out of everyone else's money, just like she said would happen. Get her DNA, clone her, and put her back in charge.

catwhoorg -> RE: Lady Thatcher (4/8/2013 7:39:06 PM)

In a black comedy way the twitter hastag #nowthatcherisdead has caused panic and comments by Cher fans

Hertston -> RE: Lady Thatcher (4/8/2013 7:53:33 PM)


ORIGINAL: parusski

Thank GOD she was a western ally. Shocking that some would not want her to be honored.

As Pip says, she was certainly 'polarizing'. I'd hardly call her a 'current' politician, though, so before Erik leaps in again I'd point out that love her or loath her she has little relevance to contemporary British politics.

'World leaders' admired abroad seldom enjoy the same levels of respect at home, mainly because the domestic stuff that really hurts some people while supposedly helping others isn't of any interest. I recall a poll once that showed the populations of both the USSR and the UK would have been much happier overall if we had swapped Thatcher for Gorbachov!

Erik Rutins -> RE: Lady Thatcher (4/8/2013 8:02:30 PM)

Jumping in - sorry folks, but we're going to have to lock this one up too. The rule against current politics here is one that we've learned to ignore at our peril.


- Erik

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