Infanterie -> Off-map Arty (2/12/2001 8:31:00 PM)
How much of heavy artillery you guys usually purchase during your WW2 campaigns, generally speaking? Obviously the amount of support points and the type of battle affects this, but give me some estimates, I'm curious. [img][/img]
Somehow I always seem to underestimate its importance! [img][/img] Should have fair deal of them creating suppression. Playing long WW2 campaign as Germans (most recent was an assault mission, mid-40's), of course I spent major share of resources on Stukas (I can't help myself, I just love 'em [img][/img]), and the French almost whopped me big time - just barely I managed to pull the battle to a draw. Thanks to those men on gliders who attacked the right flank!
The AA was like a wall, and they had 40 (!!!) Somua S35's on entrenched positions defending the primary target area. And yes, the few tanks I had (their armor were of no match to Somua's anyway) were too eager to see action and they drove to a minefield. hehe
Another lesson learned! [img][/img]
The bravery of being out of range...