turtlefang -> RE: German use of corps in 1942 (4/17/2013 4:30:14 PM)
A very simple idea (simple ideas that work are always the best ideas). This would address a lot of issues and make a number of logical changes although not sure how it would ultimately impact play balance. 1) Reality is that STAVKA and OKH shouldn't impact local battles that much. As one person put it, when it happens, it should be a miracle. And Z might not be the best choice for STAVKA any more - Sharop?? can't spell his name, might be due to his admin rating. 2) It works within the current system and is consistent. 3) It actually encourages "front" overloading of armies On the German side, it would penalize disbanding corps. You would end up with a lot fewer reserve activations and SU commitments. This, BTW, might also reduce the Soviet reserve activations and SU commitments Michael T was worried about earlier on the Soviet side. As the fronts get overloaded, the initiative rating will decline. And if you just move them back to being attached directly to a front, the likelihood of an activation goes down.