JamesM -> RE: Tutorial (5/7/2013 8:40:24 AM)
ORIGINAL: Erik Rutins Hi guys, If you knew what the developers have been through in another community, you'd probably understand their caution. That's really what it is rather than defensiveness, but I can assure you that their focus is on making the best possible product and they have put their hearts into this project. It will be well supported and customers well cared for. Regards, - Erik Erik I have to agree with you. Matrix have always had a good track record when it comes to releasing games that are ready for the market (not like some other companies who seem to excel in releasing Betas as a finished product). Also you you have always been prompt in fixing identified issues and constant improvements to the released product i.e WitP both original and AE, WitE, Distant Worlds (the only RTS game I have ever enjoyed playing), etc. So I do no believe that it would be any different for this game. Your company has earned my respect. Jim