Eric Lee Smith is back (Full Version)

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bigus -> Eric Lee Smith is back (5/11/2013 1:00:29 AM)

Will we see the "Civil War" released?

The old PC version from the late 80's sucked (SSI?). Vassel has a great graphics set.
Programmer needed!

Rtwfreak -> RE: Eric Lee Smith is back (5/11/2013 1:48:18 PM)

What PC version are you talking about by SSI? All the SSI civilwar games were great as far as I can remember. Gettysburg, Antietam, Shilo and then there was Sons of Liberty (revolution war). So which was it that sucked?

vonRocko -> RE: Eric Lee Smith is back (5/11/2013 3:00:42 PM)

Great, He's going to design more easy money ipad crap![:@]

rodney727 -> RE: Eric Lee Smith is back (5/11/2013 10:19:52 PM)

Calm down mr.V! I'm sure android will get a piece too..

ORIGINAL: vonRocko

Great, He's going to design more easy money ipad crap![:@]

bigus -> RE: Eric Lee Smith is back (5/12/2013 5:35:10 AM)

In the late 80's (IIRC) someone tried to port the boardgame over to the PC. I'm not sure if it was SSI.
It was a terrible. I'm trying to find it on google but am not having much luck.

Edit: found it at the Underdogs. It was actually released by Avalon Hill in 1985


Challerain -> RE: Eric Lee Smith is back (5/12/2013 6:20:50 AM)

The board game was by Victory Games iirc so the computer game by AH makes sense

Rtwfreak -> RE: Eric Lee Smith is back (5/12/2013 4:30:25 PM)

ahhh ok Avalon Hill yeah they made crappy PC games and mostly in ASCII if I recall cause I had Midway, Bismark and Planet Miners and Andromada Conquest. But those were faily good just crappy graphics. One of their best though was Close Assault I believe and then T.A.C. was pretty good and well Panzer Jagd was merely ok. Close Assault was like playing the board game without the cards.

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