RE: War in the East Update 1.07.08 (Full Version)

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Priapus1 -> RE: War in the East Update 1.07.08 (11/25/2013 1:20:02 PM)

OK, I'll be patient. I think I may have been setting the negative ROF value in the elements tab too high and it was subtracting from the respective gun in the device tab and leaving the gun with an ROF of 0. Only thing I'm fairly certain of is that flame weapons are not firing in combat.

morvael -> RE: War in the East Update 1.07.08 (11/25/2013 1:29:15 PM)

Spurred by your reports I have been looking at this today. I now get some elements destroyed by Flamethrowers, but no AFVs (in Close Combat flamethrowers were deadly for tanks). Flamethrowers are a special case that uses Anti-Armor value instead of more logical HEAT (probably because HEAT has bugs). In new version I would try coding a new Flamethrower weapon in a different slot with HEAT penetration instead of Anti-Armor and finding out how it works.

Priapus1 -> RE: War in the East Update 1.07.08 (11/25/2013 2:01:51 PM)

I tried changing the flamethrower type from flame to man weapon and was very satisfied to see a soviet armoured car go up in flames today. Before I changed the type I had not seen them used in combat, but perhaps I wasn't being observant enough. Yeah, HEAT appears to be very bugged. Have you seen panzerfausts, panzershreks, molotovs and anti-tank grenades used in combat? I've got shreks to work by (unrealistically) changing them from HEAT to a normal penetration value. They are now very (if not too) lethal in combat. Would be a real game changer in 44 if you could produce enough of them. I know you're busy but it would be nice to see more side hits on tanks as at the moment 90% are frontal. Perhaps a relationship between speed (it's ability to flank), whether a unit is a static gun, AFV or foot and tactical skill (i.e. superior german tactical skill) of a unit and an increased likelihood of a side hit. Maybe this already exists.

morvael -> RE: War in the East Update 1.07.08 (11/25/2013 2:29:34 PM)

Best would be to wait for the next patch. Some issues you mention were addressed in it, however I don't know when it will be made available as public beta. On the other hand some core rules (like % chance to select given armor side) will not be changed at this stage. I can only change that which isn't working at all or doesn't make sense.

morvael -> RE: War in the East Update 1.07.08 (11/25/2013 2:48:04 PM)

Priapus1, check PM.

HOTEC -> RE: War in the East Update 1.07.08 (11/26/2013 9:34:25 AM)

The higher the number, like CV, experience etc., the better of the unit would be. On the negative side, the number of fatigue should be kept it low. In the game, 50 Reliability is worse than 0 Reliability. Should "Breakdown" be near to the intent.

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