llanite_slith -> RE: The Price! That I just paid... (5/24/2013 3:10:18 PM)
Well, while I'd intended to just engage in a little hyperbole, SpaceCadet got me thinking: .01 x 8 Hr/day * 365 day/yr = $29.20 . . . not too far off. 80 dollars invested 156 days / year playing the game (3 days a week) 2 mean hours / day 4 years since I bought the first DW in 2010 X = dollars / (days x hours x years) $0.06 per hour of entertainment So, off by a factor of 5 given the assumptions above. In reality there were many months in there I didn't play at all, but I will say there were some very long nights in 2011 when my infant son would *only* sleep in someone's arms when I sat on the couch and played through a *lot* of DW. Training a good Galactic overlord from the beginning [:)] Less than an order of magnitude off- not nearly the hyperbole I thought, and still darned good value compared to other entertainment. Played through the pirate tutorials last night. Hats off to the new graphics engine - zooming was wayyyy smoother. Nice pirate ship sprites!