Bingeling -> RE: Do civilians retrofit yet? (5/31/2013 7:10:31 PM)
Bases at a colony is retrofitted by the colony's construction yard. Ships are retrofitted by a spaceport's construction yard. Have you noticed how your early spaceport retrofit has to wait while you build constructors/research stations? Mines don't have that problem, because they can something the spaceport can not - retrofit itself. It is a hack to fix "mines can't retrofit" without making massive changes to make it fit the normal picture. So, construction ships can't do it, since the AI can't handle that. And them retrofitting themselves creates a mess in the resource transport, so lets help that by delivering a bunch of stores with every new mine. In my view it is an ugly fix to a problem I never had. If pirates did not deconstruct my old mine so that I could buy a shiny new one, I could scrap it myself to make room. And if they did not destroy it, why bother retrofit anyways? Adding a host of new freighters to supply them (once the initial store is out), probably have a part in large game save times being very long, too. Planets now have gone from 3 to 20 docking bays for a reason.