RufusTFirefly -> RE: Looking for ETO player (6/5/2013 10:05:08 PM)
ORIGINAL: GrumpyMel I'll be interested in hearing your feedback on game balance once you've gotten a human vs human game going. I did alot of work in the last couple versions trying to improve the balance for the Soviets but hadn't gotten much opportunity to play test them. Good Luck! Hello Grumpy, had played the game this winter. Playing as Axis. We played around 250 turns and ended up at the end of April or beginning of May 45, when my opponent took Berlin. So game ended nearly at historical date and with an outcome that was close to historical situation. I am not a friend of historical gameplay at all costs, it is a game and fun should be most important. But it was not only close to historical situation, it was a lot of fun. At somewhen around turn 80 I realized I could not win. I did not force air superiority enough and so the British RAF could attack too well and reduce my attack abilities. Nearly 80 turns later I was sure I would not even manage to make it to a draw. Had been frustating sometimes between turn 80 and turn 160, but I think it is not fair to say "thanks, for gaming, now that tide has turned I have lost interest". So my aim was to try to make it up to 1945 before I had to surrender. And it got challenging again, even more the closer the enemy came to Berlin. Finally I did not only manage to stay alive til beginning of 1945, but managed to hold Berlin til April or May (dont remember exactly). Really a great pbem. Had a good opponent and he deserved winning. We both enjoyed it a lot. Btw, Berlin was taken by the Sovjets, as Western Allies were not fast enough. So I think balancing for Sovjets is already very well. Maybe air units are still a bit too powerful (or anti-air too weak). I did not want to start a race for air superiority, but focus on ground battles. This has been my main mistake and the main advantage for Western Allies. So in case one player might focus on air units he might take profite of the good air cover. But his opponent should be able to keep the effect of enemy air units limited. More ground battles will provide more challenging gameplay on tactical level, I think. If I had a bit more time I would jump in and take the challenge, alomoes has offered (ETO is time consuming, often needed three hours to complete a turn). But just started a game of War in Russia and I guess it is very time consuming too.