EricLarsen -> The red shirts (1/11/2003 6:00:29 AM)
Digital Age, Ah those wonderful, expendable, red shirts of Star Trek security lore. You always knew which bit actors would bite the dust by if they were wearing the red shirt. After finding the manual I found everything we need to know about what everyone does. It was a bit tough before the manual to actually see why we need certain things. So far I've yet to come across races that capture star ships, most just seem only too happy to blow you out of their sky if you don't blow them out of your sky first. I guess it helps to have those self-destruct mechanisms early on. If I leave staffing to the captain's discretion it seems the only things he trains is engineers and navy personnel, which is about all I'd train. Make sure you can keep everything running smoothly and make sure to have the tactical advantage for the first shot. Eric Larsen