Mad Russian -> RE: What else can we tell you about the game? (10/3/2013 9:04:37 PM)
Okay, let's talk AI. The AI is not side specific. Therefore the short answer to your question is that, no, the AI doesn't simulate the Warsaw Pact doctrine specifically. That's because there are times it must also play the NATO side. What the AI does is respect unit types. Recon units , helicopters, artillery, etc....have unique abilities. The AI recognizes and applies those. Each unit has a character. Recon units for instance, will see better, be harder to see, not engage in offensive slugfest type combat without you beating the commander about the head and shoulders. Tank units will engage at distance right down to point blank. Missile units will engage at distance and attempt to keep their distance from the enemy units. And the list goes on. Enter the doctrinal specific AI. Because the AI works on unit capabilities it is very easy to set up side doctrines using it. You want Soviet doctrine? Simply place the Soviet units in their proper locations for the formations and the AI sends them forward according to their spacing and capabilities. This works extremely well to replicate Soviet or NATO doctrine while not restricting the AI to simply follow one or the other. There are some AI tweaks we have in mind for later but for now you will see the Soviets use their Sledge Hammer! [8D] I promise! [&o] Good Hunting. MR