dr.hal -> RE: HE/AP (6/10/2013 8:33:22 PM)
Ok, a realism check here is in order. First main battery ammo was very limited, recall the fight between the Graf Spee and three British cruisers, where the pocket battleship use almost half of its 11 inch ammo in a relatively brief fight and the three cruisers (one CA and two CLs) used even more. Ammo goes fast, so I can safely say that WITP AE does a good job of modeling this. Second capitol ships usually bombard with their primary guns not their secondary weapons, not the other way round. The game doesn't model the fact that for a Bombardment mission a ship's load out would be very different than for a surface action group mission. This was the case for the Japanese in some of their Guadalcanal dust ups where they were firing HE shells at US ships rather than AP, as they were intending to bombard Henderson and quickly ran out of their AP shells and started grabbing HE (and in at least one case, illumination). HE would be great against thin skinned ships, merchants, DEs, DDs, etc... but that ammo bounces off off CAs and BBs. Yes there is damage, but "systems" damage rather than vital damage. But the game doesn't model this so if you set out for a bombardment mission, the ship automatically switches to AP if it encounters enemy capitol ships. You can't have everything reflected in the game!