historyis -> [REL]Geometric Flags 2.0 (6/10/2013 9:14:46 PM)
After I asked if anyone might want some more flags, I finished up this small mod. It currently contains 30 flags, each made from simple shapes and/or the manipulation thereof, so they should be appropriate for every game that isn't using a mod that is emulating another work of fiction (granted, the "Scottish flag" was created merely because the pattern was easy, nothing more). Included in the zip file are both the .png and .wmf versions of the flags and they only use white and transparency, so as far as I know, they should be compatible with all versions of the game. I am playing with Shadows myself, and they seem to be fully-compatible with that. The files are named from flag41 through flag70, and I currently have them installed in my DW > images > ui > flagshapes folder. [image]http://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-FFyKSehy304/UbjXNewzcYI/AAAAAAAAEaU/QwGpvHoUps0/w281-h563-no/flags2.gif[/image] I hope you enjoy this pack and I may add further flags to it at some point in the near future.