SteveMcClaire -> RE: Panthers in the fog won´t start (6/13/2013 6:03:57 PM)
That text for that error message is incorrect -- for Panthers in the Fog it should say 1024x768x32 bit resolution. But the error basically means that the game couldn't create a DirectX device of the proper type. Assuming your video card and display support this, we can try a few things. If your Windows desktop resolution is less than 1024 wide and 768 high, try increasing it to at least that size in each dimension. If you're able to start the game and you want to keep your Windows desktop resolution low, go into the game options and turn off the 'Windowed' option under the game resolution. This will cause the game to run in full-screen mode and it won't matter what your Windows desktop resolution is at that point. If your desktop height is exactly 768 and you can't set it any higher, and you want to run in Windows mode, try setting your Windows task bar (assuming it is at the bottom of the screen) to 'auto-hide'. You can do this by right-clicking the task bar and selecting 'properties' and checking the 'auto-hide taskbar' box. Steve