AstroCat -> RE: [] Blurry ships? (6/16/2013 12:59:59 PM)
This is on a new game and I've tried reloading, restarting and moving the camera around, doesn't fix the issue. The ships look great in the selection window but on the game map they are super blurry. I can tell it is never loading them at full res because they are blurry even zoomed out. When I look at the .png files they seem fine, so why is the game making them so blurry/low res? Also here are my computer specs: System 1: 2600k@4.2GHz Asus P8Z68-V Pro EVGA GTX TITAN G.Skill Ripjaws X Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) Asus VE276Q 27 SB X-fi Samsung 830 SSD, Crucial M4 250 SSD, WD 6400AAKS, Lite-On 12X BD-R iHBS212-08 Win7 64bit I think I can handle DW, so why the blurry ships? Thanks for the help!