DHRedge -> RE: Strange retreats in China - NO TAURUS (6/24/2013 12:34:22 AM)
The thing I think about on movement, is something they modeled with combat movement and normal movement. The difference between slowly moving through hostile territory and marching through trails in safe sectors is significant. Although I not sure if it is modeled in the game. I would abstract that by having moving across controlled hex into friendly hexes side at 2x or 3x speed, and slower movement when moving across uncontrolled hex sides. Then again hex sides would have to be set as controlled if a unit occupied unopposed hexes on both sides of a hex side. (possibly requiring the hex sides on both sides of the move also to be controlled, and auto controlling any hex side that has units unopposed on both sides of the hex sides) The move and combat, I understand the intent, to create two movement speeds, one as scouting and guys on point inching forward, and the other walking on roads in formation, although I think that could be abstracted, since switching from move to combat is many mouse clicks, and there is no situation a person would choose 'move' to enter combat, and no situation a person would choose, combat move when there is no enemies around in controlled territory. (paratroopers or anphib landing, might be an exception, but that is a special case, where paratroopers should get a little surprise bonus on a unit in back lines if landing there, and people would be moving as if not on a front line till some landing occurred.). Or even if you order 'move speed' into an area, as soon as the first shot is fired, everyone will be moving combat speed anyways regardless of orders. I don't think there are many cases of double time forced marches into combat that would leave units vulnerable. Instead of move and combat, there could be a double time movement option that would effect morale and dispersion, although I don't think it would be used to enter combat that often.