Fighters retiring (Full Version)

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Mad Igor -> Fighters retiring (6/24/2013 12:30:34 PM)

is this normal,that my fighter auto-retiring every few sec ?this kinda make them useless,as they ALWAYS building when i'm attacked.
also they are scraped when the game loaded ,which forcing me to use editor erase to compensate this BS. i hope this is bug,and will be fixed.

Canute0 -> RE: Fighters retiring (6/24/2013 12:42:11 PM)

normaly not, i don't have any trouble with my fighters (
They only retire when they need to upgrade, did you research a new fighter just before ?

Mad Igor -> RE: Fighters retiring (6/24/2013 12:46:01 PM)

no,and if i did,that doesn't mean they need to be scraped every 2 min(in speed up game it take about 10 sec) and build a new.
they don't scrap only when deployed. when they are on base,they are constantly doin' this.
just got attacked by pirate ship with power of 400 (it was early game,when i just researched hyperdrive),and i couldn't do a shiz,because my space port decided to scrap and build them at THE SAME DAMN TIME.

elanaagain -> RE: Fighters retiring (6/24/2013 3:14:01 PM)

Set the empire options to upgrade fighters/bombers only when not in combat

Mad Igor -> RE: Fighters retiring (6/24/2013 4:17:35 PM)

something that doesn't have anything for upgrade simple cannot be upgraded.

elanaagain -> RE: Fighters retiring (6/24/2013 11:50:24 PM)

upgrade, err repair... sorry.

Mad Igor -> RE: Fighters retiring (6/25/2013 1:44:00 PM)

every single one does not simple need a repair

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