RE: Europe Aflame 2012 AAR: sealclubber vs Shadow (Full Version)

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sealclubber -> RE: Europe Aflame 2012 AAR: sealclubber vs Shadow (7/18/2013 5:23:20 AM)

Regardless, these actions are secondary. The big "show" as far as OKH is concerned this week is the assault on Dieppe. The British Home Fleet has brazenly anchored in port shelling German units with impunity for weeks. The recently reconstituted Dutch war fleet has joined them. Furthermore, a British Territorial corps defends the port. Despite the dense urban terrain, OKH decides to surprise the British with an all out assualt on the city to demonstrate the vulnerability of the "mighty fleet" to the discourage future, aggressive fleet deployments.

To facilitate this attack, mobile units approach the city from the south-west to be joined by fresh infantry corps from the north-east. Two airborne divisions conduct an air drop to reinforce the north-western sector and join in the assault. In all, several infantry/mot. infantry corps, two serviceable airborne divisions and a motorized artillery division will launch an all out assault on the city. The Luftwaffe has promised 100% support for this battle.


sealclubber -> RE: Europe Aflame 2012 AAR: sealclubber vs Shadow (7/18/2013 5:24:11 AM)

The battle is bloody with major air assets on both sides taking to the skies. Although the the Territorial Corps holds its ground, the Royal Navy Home Fleet and the Dutch War Fleet are annihilated. While OKH is somewhat dissapointed that the Allied ground forces in the pocket will likely survive to fight another day, the destruction of the fleets is celebrated in Berlin. Goering personally thanks the Heer, considering how many German warplanes were destroyed by those very ships a mere week ago.

With hindsight, OKH could have added one or even two additional infantry corps to the battle without unreasonable unit densities, which likely would have made all the difference between taking the town (or not, as it were). The situation is thoroughly documented for future study in military academies across Germany.


sealclubber -> RE: Europe Aflame 2012 AAR: sealclubber vs Shadow (7/19/2013 4:55:50 AM)

December 16, 1939

Finnish Front:

The encircled 7th Army attempts to break out and fails. The Red Army launches a number of assaults on the Finnish I Corps. After replenishment and resupply, the corps is in reasonable shape. Additional Red Army units approach from the south. In all, 1 mechanized corps, 1 mechanized army and 7 infantry (motorized and foot) armies are in direct contact with I Corps. The entire Red Air Force is present in the region.

Finnish GHQ decides to roll the die and maintain its grip on the rail line, if for no other reason than the opportunity to annoy Stalin over the coming winter. I Corps is able to entrench its position in anticipation of further battles to come:


sealclubber -> RE: Europe Aflame 2012 AAR: sealclubber vs Shadow (7/19/2013 4:57:00 AM)

French Front:

The French continue to redeploy to protect the territory close to and surrounding Paris. Additional force requirements cause the French to withdraw from Cambrai and another frontier position. German forces quickly fill the void.

The front is relatively quiet with no attacks this turn from the Germans. Instead, a German motorized corps overruns some French units. In addition, German mobile forces surround a significant French reserve force in Orleans to starve them over the coming winter.


sealclubber -> RE: Europe Aflame 2012 AAR: sealclubber vs Shadow (7/19/2013 4:58:55 AM)

In other news, the United States, alarmed at the German proximity to Paris, releases Lend-Lease aid.

During the Allied turn, Finnish I Corps was attacked by Stalin's rather large force and is evaporated. The Red Army secures its rail line over the winter. OKH begins planning for the 1940 campaigning season...

AAR updates will resume once the Sitzkrieg is over... or maybe before then if something interesting comes up.

sealclubber -> RE: Europe Aflame 2012 AAR: sealclubber vs Shadow (8/4/2013 10:31:02 AM)

The Sitzkrieg ends on March 3, 1940. The Luftwaffe launches strategic strikes to disable the reinvigorated and lend-lease strengthened French Air Force. Naval units on both sides take turns bombarding air units in coastal airfields (prompting a house rule to disallow naval bombardments of airfields unless adjacent to them). While this is occuring, the Italians redeploy additional forces to North Africa.

The French front is eerily quiet. With the exception of naval bombardments and a little air action, there is no activity. During the Sitzkrieg, many German units transferred east to the Balkans. Likewise, the Finnish front is quiet with no activity.

March 31, 1940

Italy throws its lot in with Germany and declares war on the Allied powers. Germany sends General Erwin Rommel with his "Afrika Korps" to aid the Italians in the theater. His army rails into an Italian port for transfer over the Mediterranean. Over the winter, the Commonwealth defenders in Egypt withdrew to El Alamein. Italian forces now surge forward unopposed capturing Sidi Barrani and Matrula within a week:


Italian high command completely forgets about East Africa...

sealclubber -> RE: Europe Aflame 2012 AAR: sealclubber vs Shadow (8/4/2013 11:55:59 PM)

April 7, 1940

On the western front, the Luftwaffe launches more strategic air strikes to disable Allied air power in theater. Two RAF fighter groups have already left the theater for the Mediterranean, easing the job.

In North Africa, Italian forces advance to El Alamein encountering the main Commonwealth forces in the region:


The Long Range Desert Group attempts to get into the Italian rear and is attacked and retreated by an Italian corps.

sealclubber -> RE: Europe Aflame 2012 AAR: sealclubber vs Shadow (8/4/2013 11:56:28 PM)

East Africa:

Commonwealth strength has largely been withdrawn from the region to defend Egypt. Italian forces advance to secure the horn for the glory of Italy.


sealclubber -> RE: Europe Aflame 2012 AAR: sealclubber vs Shadow (8/8/2013 1:28:45 AM)

April 14, 1940

During the winter, the Wehrmacht redeploys. Some of the captured territory is given up to shorten the line and ensure continued protection of the Paris assault force. The French navy spends a considerable number of weeks shelling troops assembling for the assault on Paris from anchorage in Dieppe before launching a suicidal sortie into Antwerp.

OKH unleashes its 1940 spring campaign with the launch of "Case Yellow", the campaign to end the war with France.
The plan is simple. 11 infantry corps + an artillery division + everything the Luftwaffe can muster will simultaneously attack Paris from four directions until it is taken. All attacking units are all full strength and over-supplied. This will be a surprise attack (Case Yellow shock) with six infantry corps held in reserve. One motorized infantry corps and one panzer corps (the best of the best [eg highest proficiency]) will rush into Paris to defend it once taken, assuming Paris is cleared early enough in the week given that the bridges in the city are blown.

Here are the positions as of the end of the Sitzkrieg with the attack plan shown:


sealclubber -> RE: Europe Aflame 2012 AAR: sealclubber vs Shadow (8/8/2013 1:29:19 AM)

The assault is a success. The first assault attacks in three waves. Many of the defenders retreat and then begin evaporating for lack of anywhere to retreat. A second assault is launched in two waves. This successfully clears out French forces from Paris. Over 35,000 German infantrymen become casualties during the attack on Paris, but the objective is taken. French army losses are even higher due to the sheer number of men and systems crammed into such a small area. This overload worked against the French Army making the initial assault more devastating than it might otherwise have been.

The motorized infantry corps and panzer corps move into the city and begin digging in. Depleted infantry corps surrounding Paris are rotated out of the line and the six reserve infantry corps are brought forward in the event the French are able to recapture Paris and it must be taken a second time. The Luftwaffe is 100% committed to defensive combat support operations.


sealclubber -> RE: Europe Aflame 2012 AAR: sealclubber vs Shadow (8/8/2013 1:29:52 AM)

Finnish Front:

The Finns leverage STAVKA's preoccupation with events unfolding in France to attack towards Petsamo with 2 corps and a brigade in reserve. The corps were not in the frontline and seemingly remained unobserved by Soviet intelligence. Objectives are limited. The idealized objective is Petsamo, but the Red Army can rail reinforcements north rapidly enough to prevent this. A more realistic goal is to improve the position in the north in anticipation of future campaigns, provide nuisance value and force the Red Army to commit more troops for the defence of its Finnish holdings. Only one motorized NKVD unit defends the area. It is assaulted repeatedly until the unit melts away.


With hindsight, I should have sent the guerrillas through the wastelands and blown his rail bridges before starting this assault. That would have prevented reinforcement for some time and perhaps Petsamo would not be out of reach.

sealclubber -> RE: Europe Aflame 2012 AAR: sealclubber vs Shadow (8/8/2013 1:30:29 AM)

North African Front:

Commonwealth forces in Egypt launch an attack on an Italian armoured and motorized division forcing them to retreat. The Long Range Desert Group in the rear is chased down and evaporated. Italian forces begin forming up opposite Commonwealth forces stationed around El Alamein.


sealclubber -> RE: Europe Aflame 2012 AAR: sealclubber vs Shadow (8/8/2013 1:30:42 AM)

East African Front:

The remaining Commonwealth forces completely abandon East Africa, with the exception of Port Sudan where the Foreign Legion Mobile Group and a small garrison defend the city. Italian forces overrun a British garrison in Berbera, cross into Kenya and seize the undefended port city of Mombasa. Mussolini declares that the seizure of Mombasa will bring African safaris into reach for every Italian man, woman and child.

The Savoy Grenadiers overrun the defenders in Port Sudan. A small French garrison remains in Djibouti, but is expected to surrender shortly, giving Italy complete control of the horn of Africa.


Edwire -> RE: Europe Aflame 2012 AAR: sealclubber vs Shadow (8/8/2013 2:13:26 AM)


Your AAR is always pleasant and interesting to read.
With Paris fall in early 1940 and the infantry well equipped (at least from the strength number), i think you have several options there. Well done.

Was there any bonus for the Axis if the Italy manage to secure East Africa?

sealclubber -> RE: Europe Aflame 2012 AAR: sealclubber vs Shadow (8/8/2013 6:48:35 AM)




Your AAR is always pleasant and interesting to read.
With Paris fall in early 1940 and the infantry well equipped (at least from the strength number), i think you have several options there. Well done.

Was there any bonus for the Axis if the Italy manage to secure East Africa?

Thanks. I'm still trying to figure out the long-term campaign strategy under 3.4.

No bonus for East Africa. Maybe bragging rights, except my opponent emptied everything out of theater so there's nothing to brag about. Aside from that, it does force the Allies to commit (eventually) one division to defend the Egypt-Sudan railway. I guess it makes it a bit harder for the Allies to invade later and it gives the Axis a few extra victory points too.

If the British are pushed back to Iraq, try to flee from Basra->South Africa and don't hold East Africa they will probably end the turn at sea where they'd be easy targets.

sealclubber -> RE: Europe Aflame 2012 AAR: sealclubber vs Shadow (8/14/2013 5:10:31 AM)

April 21, 1940

The French launched vicious counter-attacks, but could not dislodge the elite mobile units of the Wehrmacht from Paris. Many French units evaporate trying to assault Paris from crammed France sues for peace. Vichy French forces begin to form, but they spend the week reorganizing.

German forces immediately launch Operation Marita - the invasion of Yugoslavia. The collapse of France has brought Hungry and Romania into the war.

Yugoslavian Front:

The goal is to force the collapse of the government with minimal bloodshed. Unfortunately, OKH makes a complete mess of this operation. Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania all join the war and OKH had planned on an entirely different outcome. In fact, OKH had wanted to leverage the surprise attack on France (Case Yellow) to seize the British fortress of Malta. But some late in the day war games persuaded Hitler to call off the assault and threw a wrench in OKH's entire 1940 campaign...


sealclubber -> RE: Europe Aflame 2012 AAR: sealclubber vs Shadow (8/14/2013 5:10:58 AM)

Egyptian Front:

OKH initially wanted the Italians to attempt to break the Allies at El Alamein, but the Allies were too strong. Under German advisement, the Italians begin constructing the "Great Wall of Egypt" and use the Allied surprise to begin constructing in-depth defences in Egypt:


sealclubber -> RE: Europe Aflame 2012 AAR: sealclubber vs Shadow (8/14/2013 5:14:19 AM)

Finnish Front:

Finnish intelligence notes Red Army units railing away from Karelia and no reinforcements pouring in. Finnish Army units continue to advance to Petsamo, wary of if they are walking into a trap:


sealclubber -> RE: Europe Aflame 2012 AAR: sealclubber vs Shadow (8/15/2013 4:56:40 AM)

April 28, 1940

The Soviet Union occupies and annexes the Baltic States. Germany and its allies declare war on Greece! The Greek government appeals for aid from the Allied powers.

In Egypt, the Italians continue to add depth to the "Great Wall of Egypt". For operational security reason, no image is available.

sealclubber -> RE: Europe Aflame 2012 AAR: sealclubber vs Shadow (8/15/2013 4:57:02 AM)

Yugoslavian Front:

The entry of Romania into the war has altered OKH's original attack plan. A task force rails through Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania to the Greek border. German mobile have bypassed opposition via Hungary. Rumanian army units, already in position, join the Wehrmacht mobile units and Luftwaffe in smashing all opposition in the city. Belgrade is seized and Axis forces continue to coerce Yugoslav forces that their cause is hopeless...


sealclubber -> RE: Europe Aflame 2012 AAR: sealclubber vs Shadow (8/15/2013 4:57:36 AM)

Crete Front:

Italian forces invade Crete! Under cover of the Regia Marina and Axis air cover, two Italian corps and additional Italian divisions launch an invasion of Crete:


sealclubber -> RE: Europe Aflame 2012 AAR: sealclubber vs Shadow (8/15/2013 4:57:56 AM)

Finnish Front:

Finnish forces assault Petsamo and liberate it from the grip of the Red Army. Finnish forces blow the bridge and entrench awaiting the Red Army response...


sealclubber -> RE: Europe Aflame 2012 AAR: sealclubber vs Shadow (8/15/2013 4:58:22 AM)

Moroccan Front:

The Western Allies attempt an amphibious landing at Casablanca! The Vichy French garrison holds, if barely and the Allied troops flee to their transports. Panzer Army Afrika and the Italian Air Force send air units to Western Africa.. communications are poor as the Vichy French have just come out of reorganization and are unable to rapidly respond.

Unfortunately, the Italian bomber arm, lacking precision bombers, is unable to cause significant damage to the Allied amphibious force despite many attempts to sink the transports. Axis forces expect an additional push from this quarter.


sealclubber -> RE: Europe Aflame 2012 AAR: sealclubber vs Shadow (8/16/2013 6:34:39 AM)

May 5, 1940

Yugoslavia surrenders. Greece fights on.

Egyptian Front:

The Italians continue constructing the Great Wall of Egypt. Some mobile units begin withdrawing westwards via the coastal road or to ports to begin the trek to Morocco.

Finnish Front:

No response from the Red Army to the seizure of Petsamo except a withdrawal of air units from the area. Finnish GHQ believes this is either a prelude to an attack elsewhere in Finland or a realization by STAVKA that Germany could in fact, invade in 1940 and they need to prepare accordingly. Either way, Finnish GHQ begins moving reserves back to a more central region to respond to any eventuality.

Greek Front:

Axis forces move to prevent the withdrawal of the trailing Greek troops towards Athens. Airborne forces


sealclubber -> RE: Europe Aflame 2012 AAR: sealclubber vs Shadow (8/16/2013 6:35:44 AM)

Moroccan Front:

The Allies attempt a second amphibious invasion at Casablanca and this time, succeed. Vichy French forces in the immediate area setup blocking positions to delay the Allied forces as long as possible until Axis reinforcements can arrive.


sealclubber -> RE: Europe Aflame 2012 AAR: sealclubber vs Shadow (8/17/2013 2:35:55 AM)

May 12, 1940

The post "Case Yellow" hangover is now on its second turn.

Finnish Front:

Still no reaction to the Finnish capture of Petsamo. Finns continue to put reserves into readiness, just in case.

Yugoslavian Front:

Guerillas, guerillas, guerillas! Axis forces attack and evaporate as many of the guerillas as possible with the aim to "corral" them once they reconstitute to keep them under control.

Egyptian Front:

The Great Wall of Egypt is more or less complete. There are some additional forces coming (eventually) to add to the depth, but as far as I'm concerned the Allies can attack anytime they want.

Greek Front:

The Greeks have mostly setup a defensive line outside of Athens. Two corps are caught straggling south and surrounded while a panzer korps pushes on to clear the road south for the infantry:


sealclubber -> RE: Europe Aflame 2012 AAR: sealclubber vs Shadow (8/17/2013 2:36:18 AM)

Moroccan Front:

The Allies continue to push inland. Vichy French forces are in reorg but the Italians continue to ship reinforcements to the theater.


sealclubber -> RE: Europe Aflame 2012 AAR: sealclubber vs Shadow (8/17/2013 6:48:29 PM)

May 19, 1940

Greek Front:

Greek forces are pushed back into Athens itself and the end of the Greeks is near.


sealclubber -> RE: Europe Aflame 2012 AAR: sealclubber vs Shadow (8/17/2013 6:48:54 PM)

Moroccan Front:

Allied forces continue to push out of Casablanca. Italian reinforcements continue to pour into the region, however a prepared position is being set up further to the East:


sealclubber -> RE: Europe Aflame 2012 AAR: sealclubber vs Shadow (8/18/2013 12:36:35 PM)

May 26, 1940

Greek Front:

Athens is seized and secured against counter-attack. OKH expects the Greeks to sue for peace shortly.


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