close combat gateway to caen (Full Version)

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general_solomon -> close combat gateway to caen (7/20/2013 5:55:23 AM)

I just saw the news on wargammer. can someone please give us more details on this title?

sshnuke -> RE: close combat gateway to caen (7/20/2013 6:24:15 AM)

On Matrix's twitter it shows Close Combat: the Bloody First

general_solomon -> RE: close combat gateway to caen (7/20/2013 7:01:46 AM)

link to press release:

did they have information aside from the title? is this the 3d title?

sshnuke -> RE: close combat gateway to caen (7/20/2013 3:28:32 PM)

but you can check matrix's twitter @MatrixGamesLtd

and it says

Close Combat: The Bloody First, coming 2014 in 3D-top down view #MatrixatHistoricon

i think it's wargamer who mistook the name of the 3d title but not matrix itself

sshnuke -> RE: close combat gateway to caen (7/20/2013 8:43:08 PM)

but this time it was matrix's twitter who made a mistake....

general_solomon -> RE: close combat gateway to caen (7/21/2013 9:52:25 AM)

i just hope we get more details on this new title.

TIK -> RE: close combat gateway to caen (7/21/2013 8:44:29 PM)

I'd like to know if it's going to be an expansion to PitF? Also, I'd like to ask if there's going to be any significant changes from PitF?

Is the AI going to be significantly improved? (Please please please!)
More units on the map?
Various map sizes?

Probably too early days yet for a definite answer, but any clues would be good.

sshnuke -> RE: close combat gateway to caen (7/22/2013 12:52:59 AM)

According to Matrix guys

Gateway to Caen is based on PITF engine

And next year there will be true 3D CC named the Bloody First

SteveMcClaire -> RE: close combat gateway to caen (7/22/2013 2:27:41 AM)

sshnuke is correct.

Gateway to Caen is planned for release towards the end of this year (or early next) and will be based on the existing Panthers in the Fog engine with all new maps and units to support the campaign setting (Operation EPSOM). There are also plans to redo many of the game graphics (vehicles, effects, etc) as well as the sounds. Code changes are still being discussed at this time so I can't give you anything specific on that yet.

The Bloody First is planned for release next year and will use the new 3D engine.


Kanov -> RE: close combat gateway to caen (7/22/2013 6:20:12 AM)

I would like to know if this will be presented as a full game or as an expantion module for the existing base game.

general_solomon -> RE: close combat gateway to caen (7/22/2013 7:35:42 AM)

thanks for the clarification. I will see you all back here in a year or so.

TIK -> RE: close combat gateway to caen (7/22/2013 11:01:17 AM)

Thanks for the reply Steve. I'm looking forward to both [:)]

Platoon_Michael -> RE: close combat gateway to caen (7/22/2013 12:48:30 PM)

Any chance we can get an idea of what Campaign the Bloody First will be?

I'm really hoping and praying for an Awesome Battle of the Bulge game.

Af1352pasha -> RE: close combat gateway to caen (7/22/2013 2:28:34 PM)

Thanks for this great news!! another title of this game!!

I like to mention some comments in reply to community in this forum and especially in close combat series forum!!

1. First of all there is too many comments about why it is same as before? and why Matrix did not go to 3D version.

I think one of the factor which put this series be alive more than half decade is that it is very simple , with powerful map and simple interface which learn military history or refresh great battles story.

2. There is too many reply why again choosing Normandy!!

My suggestion is that there is good backbone of historical account about famous battles especially in company detail, great data base about daily organization of involving force.and finally best resource of that time map imaginary which can be found in many source in web and books.last one exactly give us real taste of war time place and battle ground. Who can find such air image in East , pacific or other place of WW2?

3.Another request from Close combat family is about inside game changes in this new revision from engine , AI , graphics and complexity of strategic depth of campaign map! and be worry about only new title with only new maps.

I like to reply or send my comments to design team base on below wish list however I don't know how much of this is possible for incoming title:

I. Surly we have a bad AI opponent and nobody can deny , weak aggressive and defensive plan for AI
did not solved trough last years , so please try to focus to solve this.
From my point of view there are two ways:
AI plan for attacking opponent in map editor such as advance path and timing for advance groups visually can be edit and specified and second deploy the AI teams be possible by human opponent, at least in some random predefine area.

II. We are close to second decade of game age , and after 15 years the quantity of team increased from 15 to 21 , with more powerful system powerful programing the scale shall be grow to battalion level or at least to one company level and support team with about 35 individual teams.
It can be possible and it is fair for us which remain fan for this title!!

III. Bigger strategic map wit its maximum 64 possible maps with more bigger map size. As everybody know most of the battle maps only focused to city and village area and surrounding area was forget , with especial command such as mounting and armor teams it is not very hard if during making of map designer consider more non urban space for each city , villages and important area.
This surly give more depth and challenge for players.

IV. More different fire support from artillery rolling barrage, carpet bombing , neberwerfer fire support and more than one time air or artillery support ( same as Close combat modern tactic), this will surly be needed for Epsom battlefield.

At the end with hope for a new title and thanks to our old friends for keeping alive close until now.


TIK -> RE: close combat gateway to caen (7/22/2013 5:10:36 PM)


ORIGINAL: papa_Hausser
1. First of all there is too many comments about why it is same as before? and why Matrix did not go to 3D version.

They said PitF was the last "traditional" CC game. So why not expect some major changes?


2. There is too many reply why again choosing Normandy!!

My suggestion is that there is good backbone of historical account about famous battles especially in company detail, great data base about daily organization of involving force.and finally best resource of that time map imaginary which can be found in many source in web and books.last one exactly give us real taste of war time place and battle ground. Who can find such air image in East , pacific or other place of WW2?

Because Normandy has been done to death. All but 2(?) games in the series are based in 1944, most of them in Normandy.

Normandy is very well covered. But how about North Africa? Italy? Stalingrad? World War 1? The possibilites are endless. Why restrict yourself to one battle/campaign? Especially when you've already covered it before?


I. Surly we have a bad AI opponent and nobody can deny , weak aggressive and defensive plan for AI
did not solved trough last years , so please try to focus to solve this.

Agreed. This is the priority. Whether you like Normandy, 3D or multiplayer - a good AI is everything.


III. Bigger strategic map wit its maximum 64 possible maps with more bigger map size...
This surly give more depth and challenge for players.

Or, get rid/change the strat map and make it more dynamic like in Achtung Panzer?

SteveMcClaire -> RE: close combat gateway to caen (7/22/2013 5:27:51 PM)

Gateway to Caen will be a stand-alone game -- Panthers in the Fog will not be required to play it.

As a general caveat, The Bloody First is fairly early in development, and anything I say is 'the current plan' and may change before release.

The Bloody First campaign is going to look more like CC3's campaign system -- in the single player grand campaign you will be carrying a force of the US 1st Infantry division through three campaigns: Tunisia, Sicily, and Normandy. It will be more dynamic than CC3 though, as there will be triggers and decision points that will alter the 'flow' of an operation and campaign. Say your objective in an operation is to seize a hill, and you do it easily and quickly. This could trigger a counter-attack battle, or it could trigger a follow-on battle where you are pursuing the defeated enemy down a long road map. If you capture a given road junction you may get a choice of where to proceed from there, etc.


Kanov -> RE: close combat gateway to caen (7/22/2013 6:08:55 PM)


ORIGINAL: Steve McClaire

Gateway to Caen will be a stand-alone game -- Panthers in the Fog will not be required to play it.

That's unfortunate.


ORIGINAL: Steve McClaire
As a general caveat, The Bloody First is fairly early in development, and anything I say is 'the current plan' and may change before release.

The Bloody First campaign is going to look more like CC3's campaign system -- in the single player grand campaign you will be carrying a force of the US 1st Infantry division through three campaigns: Tunisia, Sicily, and Normandy. It will be more dynamic than CC3 though, as there will be triggers and decision points that will alter the 'flow' of an operation and campaign. Say your objective in an operation is to seize a hill, and you do it easily and quickly. This could trigger a counter-attack battle, or it could trigger a follow-on battle where you are pursuing the defeated enemy down a long road map. If you capture a given road junction you may get a choice of where to proceed from there, etc.


This sounds actually pretty interesting. I always felt that the CC3 campaign was the one that made you care more about your soldiers because of the limited scope of your own forces and that the goal of the campaign was not actually win all of the operations but to have the most of your men survive through the war, points come second. An improved mechanism of that gameplay can mean good things. Please introduce a better single battle scenario editor and let it open for it to be modded and allow for introduction of other units from other nationalities unrestricted by the number of campaigns, fronts or years. Imagine a mod of a German unit from 1939 to the fall of Berlin, a japanese mod from invasion of Manchuria to Okinawa.

TIK -> RE: close combat gateway to caen (7/22/2013 10:30:15 PM)


ORIGINAL: Steve McClaire
The Bloody First campaign is going to look more like CC3's campaign system -- in the single player grand campaign you will be carrying a force of the US 1st Infantry division through three campaigns: Tunisia, Sicily, and Normandy. It will be more dynamic than CC3 though, as there will be triggers and decision points that will alter the 'flow' of an operation and campaign. Say your objective in an operation is to seize a hill, and you do it easily and quickly. This could trigger a counter-attack battle, or it could trigger a follow-on battle where you are pursuing the defeated enemy down a long road map. If you capture a given road junction you may get a choice of where to proceed from there, etc.


So like the way the Campaigns work in Panzer Corps?? That's great news! That's REALLY great news! [&o]

Platoon_Michael -> RE: close combat gateway to caen (7/23/2013 12:39:55 AM)


ORIGINAL: Steve McClaire

Gateway to Caen will be a stand-alone game -- Panthers in the Fog will not be required to play it.

As a general caveat, The Bloody First is fairly early in development, and anything I say is 'the current plan' and may change before release.

The Bloody First campaign is going to look more like CC3's campaign system -- in the single player grand campaign you will be carrying a force of the US 1st Infantry division through three campaigns: Tunisia, Sicily, and Normandy. It will be more dynamic than CC3 though, as there will be triggers and decision points that will alter the 'flow' of an operation and campaign. Say your objective in an operation is to seize a hill, and you do it easily and quickly. This could trigger a counter-attack battle, or it could trigger a follow-on battle where you are pursuing the defeated enemy down a long road map. If you capture a given road junction you may get a choice of where to proceed from there, etc.


After dealing with all the disappointments from the re-releases.
Reading this really hurts the most.

Being a fan since CCIV I'm truly ashamed you guys just don't get it.

TIK -> RE: close combat gateway to caen (7/23/2013 1:02:58 PM)


After dealing with all the disappointments from the re-releases.
Reading this really hurts the most.

Being a fan since CCIV I'm truly ashamed you guys just don't get it.

Being a fan since CC2, I like the direction they're taking the series.

thesock -> RE: close combat gateway to caen (7/28/2013 8:22:59 PM)

I've been a fan since CCII. I think i've played every game that's come out, in head to head. Yet the one I don't like is CCIII. I can pretty much edit all the abs, even PitF does what I want, but I can't be bother with the CCIII system. Except the attempt at map continuity. A bit of map over lapping would be nice.

Kanov -> RE: close combat gateway to caen (8/2/2013 2:16:54 AM)

A seamless map would be awesome. Imagine a huge map like those for CCMT but even bigger. That's your Strategic map. You can keep the current system with the strat map divided into normal battle map sizes suited for company sized battles except the edges of the map aren't a black border of nothingness but just a line painted over the continuous terrain of the strategic map that troops can cross over short distances, like Rome total war before patches and Achtung Panzer.

TIK -> RE: close combat gateway to caen (8/5/2013 12:54:16 PM)



A seamless map would be awesome. Imagine a huge map like those for CCMT but even bigger. That's your Strategic map. You can keep the current system with the strat map divided into normal battle map sizes suited for company sized battles except the edges of the map aren't a black border of nothingness but just a line painted over the continuous terrain of the strategic map that troops can cross over short distances, like Rome total war before patches and Achtung Panzer.

+1 [:)]

aaatoysandmore -> RE: close combat gateway to caen (5/4/2014 8:30:55 PM)

Not a fan of the series as the units are too small. I hope the new engine will come with larger units and better colors so I can see them on the map. Of course a better ai is "expected" but I'm pretty sure I will be let down as always by the ai programming. We'll just have to see if this one passes muster.

Firov -> RE: close combat gateway to caen (5/6/2014 7:23:54 PM)

Wait. They're still using the old engine for Gateway to Caen? They made an announcement on April 12, 2012 that Panthers in the Fog would be the last CC release using the same engine.


We're delighted to announce we have acquired the Close Combat franchise, code base and everything associated with it. This is great for us, great for the game and great for the fans! It will be the last release on the old engine and in 2013 we'll be moving ahead with a Unity engine version. Panthers in the Fog is a full new game, not based on any existing CC game.


There's no uncertainty in that statement, and no room for interpretation. Maybe I missed something, as I haven't paid super close attention to Close Combat news, but I'm curious why they seemingly.. misled people about this.

PipFromSlitherine -> RE: close combat gateway to caen (5/6/2014 10:44:45 PM)

At the time it was what we thought. But then a great opportunity came along with a skilled group of guys.



Firov -> RE: close combat gateway to caen (5/6/2014 10:51:05 PM)


ORIGINAL: PipFromSlitherine

At the time it was what we thought. But then a great opportunity came along with a skilled group of guys.



Hmm. Well, that's fair enough I suppose. It is funny though. I first played Close Combat III when I was 12. I'm 26 now and I'm still playing new releases based on this same engine. That's one amazingly long lived engine. [:)]

So is Caen being developed by a different group than the people behind Panthers in the Fog? Or are they doing Caen and Bloody Fist is the game with the new development team?

Also, thanks for the response. Good to hear straight from Matrix what's going on here.

SteveMcClaire -> RE: close combat gateway to caen (5/8/2014 4:09:23 PM)

The primary developers for Gateway to Caen did not work on Panthers in the Fog. I am supporting them with advice and code changes to the old game engine, but other than that it's pretty much their show. The Gateway to Caen forum is probably a better place to ask them questions, though. :)

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