pasternakski -> (1/13/2003 12:42:42 AM)
It's time somebody pointed out that UV and WITP are NOT the same game. The fundamental engine is the same and the graphics are similar, but there are many differences. First, the scope is different. UV is a sub-theater-size game with in-theater victory conditions. WITP will be a full treatment of the war in the Pacific, with all that entails, including production decisions, force allocation to subordinate theater commands, and so on. Second, the scale is different. UV hexes are 30 miles across, WITP hexes will be 60 miles across. This has a profound effect on many aspects of game play. The engine will have to be modified substantially to reflect this scale, and I suspect that the lingering complaints about naval air strike targeting many of us have will be automatically addressed at the same time - and likely a modified version of the "fix" will be retrofitted to UV in a patch. And so on. UV has value all its own. It presents players with the opportunity to command the most vital sub-theater of the early Pacific conflict. This is where "the rubber met the road." WITP has an entirely different focus, with its own appeal separate from that of UV. This difference is depicted on the UV game box, by the way, where it says, "Uncommon Valor - Campaign for the South Pacific." There is no reason not to have known what UV was before buying it (note also on the back the text, "...from May 1942 to the end of 1943 ..." "Uncommon Valor covers the hard-fought campaigns for New Guinea, New Britain, New Ireland, and the Solomon Islands"). If you can't spend $120 to buy two games that have no peer in the hobby, you probably need to go find something else to do, because your interest in computer wargaming of this style and scope is not particularly high. UV and WITP are not designed for the casual gamer. Oh. A word of advice to our Canadian friends who are paying such an exorbitant price. Hop in your car and take a jaunt across the border to one of our friendly shopping malls containing one of the stores where Matrix-2by3 games are sold. Even better, buy over the Internet from Matrix.