aesopo -> RE: Changes from SC2 to SC3 (9/23/2013 5:14:23 AM)
Posted originally on slitherine: I followed Hubert over here from battlefront. Please, please have units adjacent to a unit contribute to the defense of an assaulted unit as it is historically so. The SC series were great and Hubert did great improvements (well except for losing the hex in my opinion) but the sole defender thingie really bothered me, especially after one assaulting unit comes after the next. Assault on a unit should be orchestrated with other units and turns should be simultaneous - turns are made and then resolved. Igougo is not really reality in warfare. Other adjacent naval groups should also contribute to the defense of a naval unit and if it is within the sphere of air cover of a carrier, the carrier's air wing also lends a hand or other land based air assets that are within range. It is unrealistic that a sole defending battle group is sunk with nearby defending assets available to contribute. Multi-core support as you are taking your time to make your turn, the AI is already making moves in the background. I know this request comes belated, sorry. There needs to be a continued cost in supporting units not just abstraction that you bought it no need to worry about food, maintenance, cash, war material, soldiers. Each country should have a population pool where units are drawn from and scripts for decisions in increasing (teens but less reliability, increased training but longer production but tougher units, general conscription but hitting morale/increasing pool). There should be a representation on the map of important resources (metals, oil, industry) that each side will try to safeguard and for the other side to capture and techs to increase them or supplant them.