MikeB -> Questionable observations of 1.04 (8/16/2013 11:15:04 PM)
ONE: If one side[A] has 5 FTR(all level 2) and the other side[B] has 5 ftr(all level 2) I observe the following : A takes ftr A1 and attacks B1 potential interception by B2 A takes ftr A1 and again attacks B1 potential interception by B3 A takes ftr A1 and attacks B1 potential interception by B4 A takes ftr A2 and attacks B1 potential interception by B5 ...hence forward, B1 is on its own against each and all of A2, A3, A4, A5 It appears that a ftr is limited to only ONE interception either per enemy turn or perhaps until it again has its own turn. This is a distinct advantage to he whom attacks the other's air force FIRST ! Observation TWO Tac Bombers attacking ships at sea can do tremendous damage. Yes, I agree that ships were vulnerable to air during the war. The extent I have observed in this game is awesome. In one attack all 10 hit points of the Brit CV Glorious were done in and the ship sank outright. Another separate attack saw the brit BB Barham(8 hit points) also destroyed in one pass of a successful tac bomber attack. In both of the above mentioned attacks, other ships were also damaged. This may be a bit extreme...but two tac results out of perhaps 6=10 initiations with tac level 2 bombers seems to discourage the arrival of any USA fleet units. Observation THREE As previously mentioned elsewhere. Italy has low land attack doctrine until Paris falls. Italy can be allowed to declare war ...in Jan 1940...though it may be that Germany has to have a minimum # of forces directly into France. If Italy declares war BEFORE Paris falls...then Italian units are cannon fodder for picque-squeek Yugoslavia let alone North Africa French and Egyptian Brits. The war for North Africa can end before Paris is captured!! The sequencing and timing of such ...should be synchronized or corrected. Observation FOUR Poland if not destroyed by end of Nov 1, 1939...leads to a decrease of 5 SMP from German force usage. Unfortunately, the game system reduces german SMP to Five/Zero. F12 to correct it...is a stop gap. I say stop-gap as the unit price of SMP increase per event of purchase. ie. purchase of SMP greater than the starting value of 16 by Germany must either happen before such event...or Germany pays a higher unit price for SMP than it should have to...as its first purchase. Likewise, when the Polish event ends...the SMP is set to 5...regardless of interim purchases or corrections via the F12 key. Again, inflation of the cost of SMP crimps the German another bit of PP for inflation.