CMS1302 -> Can't attack pirate facilities (8/24/2013 9:49:34 PM)
Hi folks, I have got some problems getting rid of pirate facilities at one of my colonies. The background: I conquered an alien system containing two inhabited planets - one controlled by a common empire I was at war with, one by a pirate fraction. I invaded and conquered both. But now I've still got the pirate facilities (base, fortress and network) on the formerly pirate controlled planet. I wanted to attack those facilities using my invading forces, but when I select the colony in the colony list, the Attack-Facility-Button is grey and won't work. So I got the troops on the planet, a target to attack but can't assign the mission for some reason. Is anyone familiar with this problem or have I just missed some conditions necessary for attacking a pirate base like a certain time frame after conquering a planet? Ingo