Philkian -> Advanced Tactics: Gold v2.15i Update (8/28/2013 3:49:36 PM)
We are releasing a new update for Advaced Tactics Gold. The v2.15i update contains numerous additions and improvements. Some rare AI bugs, low staff points and issues with intelligence cards have been fixed and training cards now are able to select any HQ in the chain under command of the officer in question. Big improvements have been made on the AI and a new variant for random games (“cheap research”) has been added. This update also ensures full compatibility with Windows 8. Below is the full changelog: V2.15i – August 28, 2013 • Bug Fixes o Added code to prevent the freak memory bug with the new windows 7 KB 2670838 update, also improved games memory consumption. o Fixed some rare ai bug o Fixed some issues with intelligence card and made training card now able to select any HQ in chain under command of officer in question. o "If you dont have the PP for HQ+officer you cannot make HQ without officer even if you have the PP" issue solved o “Officer pool inspect officer details makes viewing map officers impossible" issue fixed. o English officer low staff points issue fixed o Added new variant for random games: cheap research o Issue with AI stockpiling to much troops fixed o Issue with extreme amount of troops in battles fixed (>4000 individuals) o AI transfer algorithm improved o AI Supply and Staff production algorithm improved o AI Naval production much improved o AI Naval use much improved o AI some HQ chains transfer algorithms improved o Added some checks and execs o New generic2.at2 file fixed the gfx problem with alt.gfx o New form open mechanic to fix win8 problems. The v2.15i update is comprehensive and will bring all versions of Advanced Tactics: Gold to v2.15i. To download the update, players can run “Check for Update” via the game menu or on the game’s download page.