Knyvet -> RE: Seaplane support at Level 0 bases (9/1/2013 5:44:51 PM)
Check based on the following: [michaelm stated on 7/7/2011] Next build (1108p3) will have changes for when/how seaplanes draw supplies. Nice seaplane supply nuggets from Michael in the same post The following outlines stages for patrol missions - CAP and search (naval or ASW). These were sort of there, but the order was different between base and ship, and between patrol and strikes: Seaplane at a base will check in the following order - once a condition is satisfied, it is okay to complete its action. (a) use any seaplane support in the base (ships or TFs). The total seaplane support at the base will go down for each plane assigned in each phase. The value gets reset at start of each phase. So seaplanes up to the seaplane support value get to fly free of supply; (b) use supply from a tender; (c) use supply from base. Non-seaplanes use base supply. Training missions will always use base supply if any. If none, no training. The following outlines stages for strike missions, for comparison. Seaplane at a base will check in the following order - once a condition is satified, it is okay to complete its action. (a) use supply from a tender; (b) use supply from base. Non-seaplanes use base supply. A limited number or no planes will fly if none of conditions are met (as currently designed).