TaggedYa -> RE: 43 Grand Campaign AAR - Allies (9/21/2013 10:07:26 AM)
Turn 8 results: England Okay, I screwed the pooch on this one. Somehow I got the raids to Bailey petrol and the avionics to the left of Paris out ahead of the raid that was supposed to provide them cover. Damned if I know how I did that. In any case, Nick pounced and killed eight Apaches. The raids to Amsterdam did no damage. I presume that they were intercepted. I couldn't tell from the messages and could not see the movie. There is no message generated for an intercept. The troop raids were successful, a lot of planes damaged but few losses. I didn't separate Italy from England but the kills for the day were: Tanks 15 Art. 4 Inf 3 20mm 7 37mm 4 20mm Q 1 88mm 1 In Italy: The raid to Benevento, did 79 points of damage. It will be out till after the invasion. The P 47 raid to Villa Literno flew through the battle and got off course, so they ended up strafing everything in sight. Two fairly large groups managed to hit the correct airfield and did some damage. They took out 20 aircraft on the ground, but I don't know what aircraft they were. If you count their air to air kills and the 20 on the ground that P 47 raid was most of the casualties I caused for the turn. [image]local://upfiles/18368/FA93F580641F49F58E0075A6D4FEE456.jpg[/image]